welded spiders

You can weld either. If you weld it there is no slippage at all, so more than a posi. IF you have a one ton front axle then you might be ok, but most 3/4 ton and less axle will break if you weld the front.
I have run welded fronts before. Works. Makes it very hard to steer. I added hydraulic assist on my Krawler which helped a lot! Still puts more stress on the steering components and added tire wear. Would NOT be recommended for a vehicle driven on the street, on a trail only rig!
I have welded just about every axle i have run front and rear, i just would never consider running it on the street unless you have locking hubs that completely disengage the front tires from the axles and even then it is still a difficult thing to steer at times
thanx it is my dd so i might have to go with lockers instead. not sure of what axles are under it but i do alot of highway miles so ill just scratch that idea.
according to his profile, it's a '95 YJ
In my Willys I welded the rear, (and probably the shafts too, oops) but I have a whole complete axle ready to go. The best would be an ARB or cable locker with that axle. In a daily driver I wouldn't lock the front for drive-ability and parts failure.