I switched to .025 wire the other day, and i cannot get the tension on the drive wheel tight enough for drive wheel not to slip. I did change the drive wheel to the correct groove, and i even picked a new one up but no matter what i do it slips. Its a lincoln weld pak 175hd. It runs .035 with without issues. Any ideas on what i can do to get the tension set correctly?
I switched to .025 wire the other day, and i cannot get the tension on the drive wheel tight enough for drive wheel not to slip. I did change the drive wheel to the correct groove, and i even picked a new one up but no matter what i do it slips. Its a lincoln weld pak 175hd. It runs .035 with without issues. Any ideas on what i can do to get the tension set correctly?
As another note, check the lead in nipple. What I call it anyways. The guide right before the roller. They get grooved up real bad after a while and cause binding. Also check the alignment of all the related. Smaller wire bigger headaches to line up and feed. When I switched to do a specific job 2 weeks ago I had to basically give the system and gun a tune up. And most important don't over tension. Evey time it pops or fails to come through the contact tip it will bird nest in the roller. The wire is much much more flexible. Fought this for a while. Some rollers are dual grooved too. Don't flip them wrong.
I forgot this, make sure the wire got started inside the liner correctly and not between steel and plastic parts of liner. Had this happen before with exact same issues, easy mistake.