Welding classes at GTCC


Knower of useless ZJ things
Sep 24, 2008
I am thinking about taking some welding classes at the local CC, GTCC. Thoughts? Is it worth it? Basically, there are things I want to do on my jeep that I can't because 1) I can't weld and 2) I don't know how to weld. So I thought a class should come first, then buy a welder later. Whatcha think? :bounce2:
DEFINITELY worth it.

Take classes now, buy welder later.
During class, you can bring in the projects you have and just work on them there.
I'm guessing rates have increased, but when I took the night classes at FTCU, it was like $65. I can garantee I used more than that in gas/supplies alone during the class.

Even if you can weld, it's almost worth signing up for teh class jsu tto get access to the welders/supplies to use.
I went there last year and took the full course..Cant beat it.Great teacher that knows whats going on. You will go through more materials easily than what you pay to take the class's. Just be ready to weld...its like a mini job in there your welding so much. practice makes perfect haha.
That's the advice I give everybody the first time they ask me a welding question. It's what I did, what I encouraged Dave to do, and would recommend to anybody. One other benifit is you discover whether or not you should actually get a welder! I'm convinced some people just shouldn't weld. Some people can't cook, others simply can't drive. Some people should never touch a welder, much less use one on a vehicle!