welding front axel

weld the rear, I can't at all on dry pavement with my hubs locked in (I'm spooled), offroad it's pretty bad too
unless you're turning into the side the hub is locked. . .
well what i planed on doing is, welding the front and getting a cable disconnect so i lock and unlock it would that work. im trying to find a 8.25 so i can weld it.
Is your front a vacuum disconnect? If not, I don't think the cable disconnect will work. Personally, I'd weld the D35 and find you an 8.25 and do it right. (Locker, disc brakes, maybe even a truss if you want, though I don't think it's really needed. Looks cool though.)
Lock the front via a lunchbox locker. Wouldn't mess with welding it.
well what i planed on doing is, welding the front and getting a cable disconnect so i lock and unlock it would that work. im trying to find a 8.25 so i can weld it.

That will work, and I agree if you weld the rear have a 8.25 in waiting cause the D35 won't last long. I think Woodys saving grave is tire size, If he were running larger tires that thing would have busted.

And he does have Vac Disconnect, its and older XJ
i got another front disconnect axel, and got a posilock cable so im just gonna weld it and lock and unlock the cable. that way ill have 1 pulling or when its engaged ill have 2. im gonns weld the 35 too but im gonna have a 8.25 b4. i want to see just how long a 35 will last.
lawnmower throttle cable. busted open the vac disco and drilled a hole in the diaphragm and there you go


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I think mine is a super 35 kit, plus I had superior axles in the ft. but I do think the 33's is why it stands the abuse
I thought it did pretty good considering yours tires are balder than me. lol
are you going to stay with 33's or go up to 35's on the heep?
I hope he helps you. then maybe I can pressure him into doing mine.lol might take a few:beer: