Welding knuckle gussets ??


Gov retirement < needs to live
May 31, 2012
Aberdeen, NC.
A friend of mine wants me to weld a front truss and knuckle gussets to his JK Dana 30. I am more than comfortable with the truss but what are the recommendations for mig wire to weld to the knuckles? Is preheating the cast required? Cooling blankets? Also I have 75/25 ARCO gas, will I need to use something different?
Cast steel, make sure it's clean. heat it a little & burn it in.
yourhotdogguy was his old name...whats he going by these days? terry moorefield is his real life name.

he's full of this kind of knowledge, and for what ever reason, i sat through a talk he gave about welding on axles and a lifetime of experience. does he still frequent the boards?