welding to diff


builds more then wheels
Feb 8, 2008
Bessemer City, NC
im needing to build a trac bar bracket on the axle side of my jeep.
im running a chevy 60.
how hard is it to weld to the diff? casted leaf perch? what does it take?
Bad idea if all you're welding to is the cast housing. Especially with a 180amp mig. A lot of cleaning, Pre and post heat and an arc welder are a good start.
That's not to say it can't be done with a mig, but no matter how you weld it...if it's a tracbar or link mount odds are high that it will crack/fail at the welds.
Can you build a truss over the housing?

You can weld it BUT like said, needs to be preheated & normalized after welding. Better off is you have access to a DC stick machine, use Nickle rods. If they are not available or out of budget 7018's have a high nickle content & would probably get you by. Long gussets to spread out the stress, weld a bit the ping it with a ball hammer. The vibrations will help relieve the stress cracks. Wrap in insulation to cool slow when done.
just the 2 bolts alone will allow it to move. thats why i was asking about welding it.

what about welding to the sping plate? i ground it a little and it looks pretty much like regular steel. ill try to get a pic to show what i'm trying to do.