Well there goes hunting


Well-Known Member
Mar 30, 2005
It looks like we are going to lose our hunting land for the season. There has been spotty forest fires here and there but it looks like it has turned into a full fledged fire. Last report it is about to cross the creek on to the hunting land and probably devour it. I know fire is a part of nature, but so is rain!!
Problem is fire has been removed from the eco-system so long that when it comes it cant be stopped.

Smokey Bear was wrong...
Only YOU can postpone forest fires they can not be prevented
Yeah, lost my ability to hunt this season too...Waiting on the WRC to "allow" my request for 2 more does this season...:flipoff2: I hate it when I fill my dance card so early in the season. :)

are you in a deer management system. we don't shoot less than an 8

My NC WRC 'dance card' (report card) allows 2 deer 'hunters choice', 2 deer, and 2 'antlerless deer. Equals 6. Then you can petition the WRC twice for two more each time. So, total of 10.
well in SC wee are allowed a total of 10 with no check in.
So Ive only killed 9. and that was the story on the last 3 also.
Point taken.

But, when you can drive across grandad's pasture and count 20-30 ANYDAY...its not.

And while I joke about it, SC has the new Hunter's for the Hungry program where you donate the animal to feed the hungry (at approved donation points) and they dont count against your creel limit...
If you don't mind me asking where have you all been hunting, on private lease land of Game Lands?

I usually Whitetail hunt once a year in PA at the family cabin; but this year I decided to try some warmer weather NC hunting @ Caswell County game lands w/ no luck.

Any reccomendations?
We don't really go by numbers. On our preserve you can't shoot a buck that is less than an 8 point, and it had better be a good 8. So we'll probably take one or two bucks a year and let the rest grow and 2-3 does a year just because we have to. The land around us has hunters that aren't so picky about the deer they shoot. A cow horn might as well walk out like he was a trophy buck. There has been a cow horn there almost every day I go, I hope he can make it two more years.

My NC WRC 'dance card' (report card) allows 2 deer 'hunters choice', 2 deer, and 2 'antlerless deer. Equals 6. Then you can petition the WRC twice for two more each time. So, total of 10.
Steve, I am only on private land.
Grandads farm and 3 hunt club leases

At least around here I value my life too much for WMA lands

I will kill 1 or 2 bucks a year, and my share of does.
We don't really go by numbers.

Guess I don't understand what you mean here. Are you saying you kill as many as you like each year and don't worry about what the Wildlife Resources Commission (WRC) says you can take? As best I can tell, if you take more than the 6 on your "report card" and don't have the permission for the extra 4 or if you get the extra four permissions and take more than 10, that would be poaching. Does not matter if you are on private land or Game lands.
are you in a deer management system. we don't shoot less than an 8
ME and lomodyj drinking a beer
If its BROWN its going down!!!!!!!!!!!! Yep

IT was hard the other day to keep him from shooting at a old brown Ford truck, he said theres a bigen don't see any horns should I shoot it? Why not you have shot every other thing that has crossed you path that was brown.......
How would an individual go about getting involved in a group hunting lease? My father and I have talked about it this time every year, but with work between customers and SEMA/ Holidays it seems to fly by.

Sorry to hijack,

How would an individual go about getting involved in a group hunting lease? My father and I have talked about it this time every year, but with work between customers and SEMA/ Holidays it seems to fly by.
Sorry to hijack,
FOr the most part you can talk to the farmers, land owners , look in the papers, check at local gun shops and they may know of places to call.
Also there are pay hunts that also lease land to hunt to locals to. I went and found land. I dont like the rules of the hunt clubs, they have all the work days and when you can and can't bring a friend. Tell you where you can and can't hunt make you pay for corn on other parts of the farm you don't hunt and don't let you shoot stuff you want. I want to shoot a buck and a few does a year if the buck is a 4 or 6 so be it I want one, but I know people that hunt all year and never get a shot because it needs to be a big doe or a large 8 pt buck so the spend 500 in fuel and 800 in dues and 500 for corn....
I found some land for free and spend 150 in corn and 200 in fuel because it is close or less and take one good buck and a few does ever year and take someone else that will get one or two also...
Ask around and talk to friends all you need is a 10-100 acres in a good location and you are set..
"anyone can hit the biguns it takes skill to hit those lil uns"

2 of the clubs Im in are on Wachovia owned land.
We contacted and initiated the hunting lease.
But we dont do the stupid rules.
hunt YOUR stands, put up YOUR stands and respect everyone else. Thats our only rules.

Well that + 1 guest per day and no guest more than 5 hunts, after that they should pay up
Guess I don't understand what you mean here. Are you saying you kill as many as you like each year and don't worry about what the Wildlife Resources Commission (WRC) says you can take? As best I can tell, if you take more than the 6 on your "report card" and don't have the permission for the extra 4 or if you get the extra four permissions and take more than 10, that would be poaching. Does not matter if you are on private land or Game lands.

We do go by the WRC on how many deer we take per year, but with the 4-5 people that hunt the land that is alot deer than can be taken. There have only been two deer shot on the land this year. I'm just saying that we don't usually get our limit. The standing rule where we hunt is that if the deer isn't an 8 point or better it shouldn't be shot. not the if it is brown it's down addage.
We do go by the WRC on how many deer we take per year,

Gotcha. Couldn't tell, it did sound like you were taking more. I've mostly taken does this year. First one I got was a button buck, at 75 yards without my binocs couldn't tell...The other buck, a 3 pointer...well, lets just say it was getting late in the day and I was tired of waiting on does. I've got 2 10 pointers and 6 six pointers that I keep seeing...Gonna leave the biguns till next year and save the 6's for even later...Bucks don't tend to eat stuff in the garden...and I see the does in it all the time...and they make more babys than the bucks. :)
chit want some good deer hunting... Drive up and down my street a few times. I got one last year and almost had a second a month ago. Eather that grab a bow and hunt out of my back door. 5-7 does everymorning