What Are They Worth???

you should sell them to me for $15:)
The average I have seen on them is between 2400 and 3000 for the pair. With the regear I would think you could get closer to the 3000 mark if not higher. FleaBay is your best bet for getting top dollar on them.
who knows how much they are actually worth...but I am seriously interested....if the price is right :)

Best of luck in your sale pursuits
i just sold and installed a set in a 98 tj. i also provided the factory pumps and he had about $2500 . these axles were not in top condition so i would say yours should be worth at least that much ... and just think you can get steering rocks for that.
I bought a set "in perfect condition" off of Pirate for $2500 + $200 for shipping.

They came with busted spider gears (front and rear), a broken locker actuater, broken cross pin, chipped teeth in the ring and pinion, and both front hubs were completely worn out. So if I'm willing to pay $2700 for completely worthless Rubi 44's, I'm sure you could get top dollar for a decent set. :poop:

It depends on how fast you want to sell them. I would price them out around $2700 and assume they would sell in a week or so, or you could try to squeeze out a couple hundred more and wait for the guy who busts his axles and yours are the only ones on the market- like $3100'ish.

I think Ebay (mentioned earlier) would probably net you around $3k. Depends if you want to ship them or not as well.