What happens when da da dresses munchkin


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2005
Winston Salem
Can you tell what's wrong with this picture?


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Kid will never learn to dress his own self right.
And how do kids learn to tie their shoes now with velcro straps. :confused:
Amazing how much effort it takes to cram their little toes into the wrong shoes isn't it?

Or, could it be your saving a "little something" in the Huggie for mom? :lol:
I sympathise. My 2yr old has had his shoes on the wrong feet all day before I noticed. I do like the fact that you did go find a camera a take his picture while he was screaming his head off.

Now go take the poor lil guy to Chuckey Cheese.
wrong shoes, and his is shirt backwards also? looks a lil tight around the neck, and he looks kinda pissed haha
I sympathise. My 2yr old has had his shoes on the wrong feet all day before I noticed. I do like the fact that you did go find a camera a take his picture while he was screaming his head off.
Now go take the poor lil guy to Chuckey Cheese.
Actually he's screaming cause he didn't want his picture taken. (Imagine that).

GMAC, shirt is on right. Mommy did that part.

Caver, yea, I kinda noticed they were harder than usual to get on. I just attributed it to sweaty feet. I guess next time I'll pay a bit more attention to which foot he puts up first.:shaking:
My daughter is 50% whether she gets her shoes on right by herself, she does damn well dressing herself, surprised the hell outta me last weekend.

handed her some clothes and she put them on while I was getting mine ready, didn't even tell her to. 3yrs old and full of surprises (some I'd rather not share ;) ).
At least once a week, the babysitter points out to my wife that Jr was wearing his shoes backwards. I dress him every morning. You'd think I would learn. Nope.

BTW, it does work better to put the pants on BEFORE the shoes too. That took me a good week to master.

Meanwhile, The Boy has now learned that "naptime" is aparently a good time to undo all of dad's hard dress work. Nothing like going to retrieve him a few hours later to find him sporting only a passy...
He's just pissed off. He'll put his shoes on the wrong feet in the future and it won't matter.
He's a toddler. Teach him right from wrong NOW! He'll only be worse if you don't.