What is the best way to get a measurement center of two holes?


8 lug disc brakes?
Mar 20, 2005
Jonesborough, TN
What is the best way to get center to center distance between two holes? For example I have two 1/2" holes are about 4.5" apart center to center. I need to know if it's 4 7/16, 4 1/2, or 4 9/16. I have a good caliper, but it's still a guessing game.
Measure outside-outside & inside-inside and average. Then compare or average with inside-outside.


But, forget about the inside/outside measurement. Just average the inside/inside and outside/outside.
The problem with inside/outside is that it takes some eyeballing with a normal set of calipers. You can use the inside measurement caliper end for outside/outside measurement, and the outside measurement caliper end for inside/inside measurement, so there's less eyeballing of the calipers to line up on mixed inside/outside hole edges where you don't have something to positively locate the caliper edges with.

Lots of methods will work if all you need is 1/16 inch accuracy though.

If you want to get fancy, you measure the hole diameter, then zero the calipers at that diameter.. Then measure the outside/outside edge distance, which will be the center to center distance because you've already zeroed out the half of the hole diameter in each hole. Tricky if the holes are very small, because the calipers may not get an accurate diameter measurement.

Some of this only works if the holes are the same size.
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Thanks for all the info guys. That really helped out. My problem was worn out holes. When I measured several and took the average it made sense.