I am looking at purchasing a Superlift 3.5" sus. lift for my YJ, and I've never used this company before, nor have any of my wheeling friends. Is this a good company or are their products crappy?
they pretty much blow and by pretty much i mean all together blow, it will lift it and it will not break fall off if properly installed. but it will ride like poop and not flex. I will let the jeep gurus tell you what lift is the best
i had that lift on my yj soa when i bought it and it rode like crap.... don't know how it would do sua but i'd imagine it couldn't be much different....
-Erik <---- used the main leafs out of his as part of his xj packs since selling the used superlifts wasn't an option
rubicon express is a decent product,except my front sagged after awhile i added a extra leaf right under the main & its been fine for 4 years now.its the 4.5" sua kit