What is this?

rodney eppes

Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2010
Mt.Holly NC 28120
Amazing what a photograph shows, that the Eye didn't see. Followed this guy, but couldn't get beside him. The "Wide Load", puzzles me as much as what he hauls! But there are Clues. Blowing up the pic, the truck is carrying cinder blocks, adjustable ladder, ground anchors / tie downs, & something round. Roll of something, or Propane tank? Trailer, Not very long Or wide, but custom built. Flat fenders, top has flat runners, with a lip, & there are 3 tie downs, of some type, on each side, in front of the fenders. I see a battery box, what appears to be 2 rolls of plastic, like the 2-6 MM type. A cardboard box, some unknown channel off center of the rig, & a crossways mounted tire, underneath. Spare? Something to haul & place utility buildings,or mini barns? :confused:


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I'm going to say equipment mover. Think large electric motors. We've got a couple 4160v 4,000hp+ that get delivered in a similar fashion. Heavy and big but not a large foot print. Batteries can be used as heaters or whatever to keep stuff from seizing up.
Figured it had to be something of that nature. I'd just like to see it in action, so I could understand All it does!
if i catch the guy unloading them near my house ill snag a picture. it that trailer is like the one he has it tongue can be hydraulically moved left or right to help getting it into tight places. and it tilts to load and unload. id guess the battery is there to run the hydraulics.
Shed hauler. Ive got a buddy we call amish mafia. His family is the amish family that builds sheds not far from me. He left the amish life, but is now there repo man as he is the only one who can drive.
That's pretty funny, but also extremely convenient and useful.
That's IT, Logan! One I was behind, has a different top plate, but everything else is the same! Now I know why the extra tire was under it, & that winch that I thought looked like a garage door opener. I've seen the POD Movers & other helper things. Incredible, what Craftsman, can come up with!