what paint are you guys using ?


Well-Known Member
Oct 9, 2005
moving to boone and whats left of my CJ will die come first winter if I don't get some paint on the rust spots. what are you guys using for shooting at home? Its in pretty 'descent' shape now, just some trail dents, but it needs some love asap or it will keep us awake at night listening to it rust. doesn't have to be a factory finish, but no rattle can job either.
Omni or Nason are less expensive paints that work well and are decent quality. You will need the corresponding reducer and hardener, or course.

For primer and clear (if you decide to do base/clear), southern polyurethanes makes great products at mid-level prices and they are very helpful if you have questions along the way.
I've been buying implement paint buy the gallon at tsc for around $25 a gallon I mix it with a splash of thinner and a bit of hardner and for the most part it turns out really good.