Lot's of ways, as this video and strang1 has shown. Me I am similar to strange1, but lil different.
First, as soon as I see the gunk buildup, I plug the return holes with something. paper towels, toilet paper, smaller pieces of a cut up shop rag. then I scrap, and then I vacuum. I drop the oil out of the pan, replace the drain plug and the take a squirt bottle with diesel fuel or Kerosene and spray it on. let it sit, and repeat several times allowing it to break down as much of what is still stuck on the head, rockers and so on. All the while keeping the oil return holes plugged. At this point, I found I like the cut up shop rags best.
When the diesel fuel has seeped through the material, I carefully vacuum around the returns, holding the rags in place with a screw driver. Then I flush the top of the heads with the diesel fuel letting it drop anything left into the pan.
When this is done, the top is pretty clean. Then I fill with diesel fluid, pouring through the top about a gallon on each side. Then let it just sit in the pan(without cranking it) go back and then drop it out. This allowed the oil screen blockages, and walls of oil pan to get cleaned off.
Next step, 4 qts of oil, and 1 qt of kero or diesel fluid, crank it, lot it idle, no revs, just idle. sill engine temp comes up.
Drop oil again, fill with oil again with fresh oil and new filter, drive it 500-1000 miles, change again, and done.