What to do with 5-gallons or so of nasty ass old gasoline

Put it in a 5 gallon bucket, tape dirt or rocks to a pound of tannerite until it sinks in it, set up the video camera, then :sniper: until :kaioken: and post up the vid!
Final answer.
It will be when someone gets hurt! There was a video a couple weeks ago about some tannerite and a lawn mower...it did not end well.
Distance from said explosive device is recommended,Sir.
Why don't you stop being a jack ass and come help me get this truck running ass
Well then, it appears your parts have arrived. I've got some race fuel we can use.
They have a tank at the trash dump at Bethel (that's about a mile from your house) that you pour old oil, gas, antifreeze etc. in.
Every time I've been there it's been missing. Last time I checked they said they were looking for another tote to use.
Jesco says, " Shits still good"
Be a good neighbor and give it to your neighbors who burn questionable materials in close proximity to your crib?
That's what Bronwyen said. I was afraid it might kill the old girl though.