What would you do?


New Member
May 27, 2007
Ok so I'll try to make a long story short.

3 years ago I was involved in an incident at a university football game. A drunk decided to get rowdy and instigate an incident. He ended up punching a female in our group and I proceeded to jump all over him like a spider monkey. The kid was arrested and a week later he told us if we didn't drop the charges we would also be arrested. All of us ended up going to court and we were cleared. Years later I have gotten things straight with my family and work and want to finish up school. Had a block from the school for the incident and called in. They had lil to nothing on record about it and I was told I'd have to sign an admission of guilt and write a paper describing what actions I could have taken to avoid the situation. I thought about it for awhile and basically tore up the form and sent a letter in saying I wouldn't admit guilt even if was just a bs sweep it under the rug act. Am I a moron? or should I just let the situation go and suck up my pride on it? BTW I wouldn't be angered as much but the drunk guy who hit the girl already had already returned to school.
I wouldnt sign that garbage either. You already went to court, it was proven you wernt guilty of anything....screw that form.
I would sign the paper. I would write in exactly what you were guilty of. You were guilty right? Guilty of defending a friend and whipping a drunks ass when he needed it. I would write the letter and describe exactly what happened and if "I had to do it all over again" " I would have sat somewhere else"
I know it's bending a bit, but your education may be worth it. I wouldn't agree to doing wrong, but admitting what you did, and you did do something or there wouldn't have been a problem, may get you back in.
Don't do it! It'll go "on your permanent record" :lol:

No one will give a shit after you graduate.
I would sign the paper. I would write in exactly what you were guilty of. You were guilty right? Guilty of defending a friend and whipping a drunks ass when he needed it. I would write the letter and describe exactly what happened and if "I had to do it all over again" " I would have sat somewhere else"
I know it's bending a bit, but your education may be worth it. I wouldn't agree to doing wrong, but admitting what you did, and you did do something or there wouldn't have been a problem, may get you back in.

I pretty much put in the paper that I can't change the past nor would I change any future actions due to fear of other people. The problem with the form that accompanies it is that it is cut and dry. Its a blatant admission of guilt in the incident.

No one will give a shit after you graduate.
very true but it doesn't mean I have to graduate from there.

I wouldnt sign that garbage either. You already went to court, it was proven you wernt guilty of anything....screw that form.

kind of how I feel. Like hey thanks for letting me lie and be a hypocrite of anything I teach my kids and by the way can I give you a few grand for the piece of paper?
Don't do it. ECU tried that on me back in the day. I didn't sign crap (wasn't guilty of anything anyway). Similar incident at a football game also... And, I finished school and even got into grad school there...

Screw it, just go to a real school, ECU doesn't care what type of delinquents it has as students!!!
I'm with Chip and Brent.
Technically speaking, you are are indeed "guilty" of fighting. You did do it, there really is no question about it. Just b/c there were no charges filed dosn't mean you aren't guilty of the act, only that the popo isn't pursuing it any farther.
That is really seperate from whether it was the "right" or "wrong" thing to do. You did the right thing, and should not have any regrest about it.

IMO this is not something worth havin gto change your hwoel educational plans over. Yes, it is stupid and yes, the university should not make you sign something like this BUT many things in life are like this, fighting the BS dosn't do naybody any good.

Based on that, I would simply state what happened and what you are "guilty" of. E.g. the facts, what you did. Then state that the situation really was unavoidable, since it was forced on you, the only only way it could have been avoided would have been, as susggested, had you been sitting somewhere else. Personally I would not bltantly say "I have no regrets" but also so not say anything untrue like "I reget what I did" or "I'm sorry".
why should he have to write an admission of guilt of something that he was cleared of in court? :shaking:

Think about it on a more serious charge regardless of the circumstances:

If you were "accused" of rape and were cleared in court, great. But, would you write and admission of guilt because the school wanted you to just to attend even though you were not even involved in a rape??? Hell no, I wouldn't.

To me, that admission of guilt stuff is crap and should be banned. There is no reason to admit to guilt after you were cleared by court :shaking:
I just got a response back to my "not guilty of jack" letter. Seems that they wanted real responses so I replied with:

Option 1
Allow drunk violent people to assult me until police show up.
Option 2
Do not associate with people.
Option 3
Do not stick up for women by any means even if they are being punched in the face.

This is honestly all I can come up with and I think this entire thing is quite frankly a travesty. Drunks and people who hit women on ECU property graduate from ECU without myself or *&$# ever being spoken to yet I have to write a paper about this for being victimized. I'm glad our thoughts/feelings were considered when *#&&# was walking down the isle with his diploma.

Cory Burell

Then changed my responsible to not responsible on the judicial letter and sent it back.

ECU is a bunch of crooked mofos with a bunch of monkeys screwing footballs in their admin offices. If they don't want me in their university for defending myself or others then screw them I'll goto state or somewhere else. My grades were exceptional so whatever.

Just b/c there were no charges filed dosn't mean you aren't guilty of the act, only that the popo isn't pursuing it any farther.

No I was arrested over the situation at a later date and had to goto court. I was completely cleared. There was no guilt there.

why should he have to write an admission of guilt of something that he was cleared of in court?

shouldn't imho and doubtful they are getting anything out of me anymore. Looks like I'll have to put alil red in my closet which makes me want to puke.

In the OP you said they have little to no info on file.
Have you provided them with details facts of the situation? If not, then you cannot assume that they really should understand what you are coming from. Could be that some person in the Controller's office or wherever knows only "this guy has a block from being in a fight and was changed with assault". Based on that alone, they are probably implimenting the straight policy, which is to make you do the form.
I mean, if I did not know teh whoel story, and read the letter response you just posted above, it would not make much sense nore really justify your position.
IMO, you need to enclose a letter detailing EVERYTHING, the whole incident, clearly written and providing only facts and as little opinion and attitude as you can. Also BE SURe that they know that you were CLEARED of teh charges, e.g. went to court and were judged "not guilty" by court of law.

My bet is, they do not know this. If you can convince them that the courts say you are not guilty, then they should also go the same way. But they have to know that is indeed the case. If you have a copy of the judgement, that is even better.

(BTW, in my previous post I did not catch that you actually went to trial. I thought it was "dropped",e.g., never wnet to court).
In the OP you said they have little to no info on file.
Have you provided them with details facts of the situation? If not, then you cannot assume that they really should understand what you are coming from. Could be that some person in the Controller's office or wherever knows only "this guy has a block from being in a fight and was changed with assault".
Yea I resent all of the info including the police reports and had the female victim resend her account in. Trust me I was very thorough with laying it out for them. It seems that an agreement has been made though. I agreed to change my form and they agreed to look the other way lol.

My bet is, they do not know this. If you can convince them that the courts say you are not guilty, then they should also go the same way. But they have to know that is indeed the case. If you have a copy of the judgement, that is even better.

Did. Thats why I was pissed. They really just don't give a damn about right or wrong there. I'm sure most universities are the same way though.
Do yourself a favor...say f'it and go to school somewhere else.
Take it from someone who graduated from ECU and feels the exact same way you do.

From personal experience, a degree from ECU is not viewed on the same level as a degree from say...NC State, UNC, UNCC etc... This may vary from job field to job field, but most employers know that ECU has a bad reputation. I would have done things differently had I known then what I know now.

I didn't party, become a felon, or end up stuck in the "G-Vegas" blackhole like 95% of the rest of the school population did.
I moved back to Raleigh two years ago and still feel the compelling need to take a shower to get the grime off.
^lol very true. I work in construction and have done very well for myself w/o a degree. My main reason of finishing is just to finish what I started. Going to be hard to preach that to my kids when I couldn't do it. Gville is a $h!thole though and yea alot of people end up wasting away there.
3 years ago I was involved in an incident at a university football game. A drunk decided to get rowdy and instigate an incident. He ended up punching a female in our group and I proceeded to jump all over him like a spider monkey.

Sign it, write a letter describing that you were in fear for the safety of your friends, that he had already attacked one physically, etc.

To be honest, you "could" have restrained him or something "less" than 'jumping all over him like a spider monkey'

Not saying it would have been easy, not even saying that I could have restrained myself in your shoes/situation.

But by ALL MEANS, sign this paper and move on with your life, it sounds like this has already put a several year hold. As far as anyone who counts (ie, the court system) you are innocent, but the bureaucracy at the school has a system, you have to jump thru those hoops.
Whats wrong with ECU and gvegas???:flipoff2:

Been there for 12 years and love it!!!

Although ECU admin can be a little annoying. Can't believe you are having this issue. I just refused to sign crap back in the day and they made note of it and I continued on. I guess things have changed since 1998... :shaking:
Although ECU admin can be a little annoying. Can't believe you are having this issue. I just refused to sign crap back in the day and they made note of it and I continued on. I guess things have changed since 1998...
its been a joke since I got there. Hell I've been trying to call in for 3 hours today and all I get is "all of our lines are busy" or "system error"

Whats wrong with ECU and gvegas???
haha and you are well aware there is ALOT wrong with gvegas
Technically, you were defending someone caught in an unfair fight. If you hadn't done anything, you would get hauled in on a good samaritan law of some sort. Sure, you may have have taken further than 'defense,' but you can't be held accountable for how you react wen a drunk man attacks a female friend of yours. If you had it all to do over again, you probably would've had stadium security get involved before it got to the point where you had to get all spider monkey on his ass.

There, i wrote your non-apology for you. No admission of guilt whatsoever.
are you going back for undergrad? what degree? some calls to some "other" people may be in order versus the normal student aids working the phones...
yea undergrad in industrial tech. Its pretty much cleared up atm aslong as they don't notice the changes I made. Plus you cant talk to anyone on the phone from what I've found. "ALL LINES ARE BUSY......PLEASE TRY AGAIN LATER". They must have meant like 2 weeks later
the only conccern Id have is if you intend to pursue a post grad degree.
If you wanted to get a master or law degree they will review your school personal file in addition to your academic file.
the only conccern Id have is if you intend to pursue a post grad degree.
If you wanted to get a master or law degree they will review your school personal file in addition to your academic file.

bah, depends on the grad degree.
I know they didn't pull anything but my transcript when I went to grad school.

And that was at Wake Forest, those pricks are pretty picky.
Chivalry isn't dead afterall.