What would you do...


Well-Known Member
Oct 17, 2006
Creedmoor, NC/Claudville, VA
if you had been working for a company for going on 4 years and just received your first paycheck of the season and it was (1) under minimum wage and (2) the same exact thing you had been making since you began working for the company?

I have worked for a retail shop in Boone for the last 3 years, going into year 4, and have been a keyholder to the store for the last year. Recently we re-opened for the season and I just got my first paycheck only to find it being under minimum wage which is the same thing I have been making for the previous 3 seasons. Any time a raise is discussed I have been given the "its not a good time for that" or "the economy" excuses.

Spoke with my manager and was told that it would get taken care of and put on my next check and to go ahead and cash the one that was written to me today. Should I cash it so I have money or should I hold onto it in case this gets drawn out and I am not compensated? If finding jobs in a college town wasnt so hard I would give em the big FO.
I would cash it but keep the stub and make sure it was corrected on the next check.
cash it....if they dont fix it, well you now have a completed transaction paying you less than MW....if you dont cash it it was just an error and you knew it so you did not cash it.
Only met you once, but you definitely know your stuff concerning what it is you sell....

You could totally find a good job elsewhere, but it would be hard to get it in Boone probably..
You could do what shawn told me you did to the dodge guys in harlan. You know when you said shawn truck would climb those tires in 2wd.:lol:
Stretch, not sure how he has it all set up, but the company def operates year round. called Bill yet?
Spoke with my manager and was told that it would get taken care of and put on my next check and to go ahead and cash the one that was written to me today.

How often do you get checks? Two weeks?
The fact is, they broke the lae by paying under minimum wage. "Mistake" or not, it was illegal.
I would simply tell them flat out that waiting another two weeks to fix their error is not acceptable, and you feel quite inclined to report them for it, you feel that they need to fix it faster than that "in order to keep you content", propose say 5 days is a reasonable amount of time.
It's pretty simple really, they could lose their business license for that, not to mention hefty fines. I assume this comes with a stub statement of the hourly wage, witholdings, etc? You have the proof right in your hands, the truth is you have them by the balls. I'm sure they will recognize that it's in their best interest to get you a new check very quickly...
This is exactly what minimum wage laws are for.

Re: no raises - unf there's probably not much to be done w/ that, yep it's a college town and lots of people looking for any kind of part-time job, they can pay as little as they wany as long as it follows the law. Esp w/ the new hike, their expenses just went up.
In the 4 yrsI spent in Boone, only time I ever made > min wage was "non W-2 wage" income.
I say tell them to fix it now and reissue you a check. I would not cash that one, because reissuaing a check might be easier than recalculating the difference (it shouldn't be, but it could).

Also, I am with Ratlab, there really is not much room to negotiate a raise. At the end of the day they paid you under minimum wage, which is illegal, and they should right the mistake right away before it could get serious.
Stretch, not sure how he has it all set up, but the company def operates year round. called Bill yet?

Our checks come from the company account, not from each store. I have not called him yet because I do not want to undermine Jeff here at my store. Trying to be as civil as possible and respect the "chain of command" so to speak.
So bp is out now? all of them close or just Boone?, If all of them I guess the rumors are true :confused:

The boone, g-boro, and myrtle stores are all closed for sure... I'm pretty sure the whole shebang went under.
BP is done for good...no more stores, no more internet sales, no more anything.

I believe my neighbors back home (Hickory) might have been owners, or at least had a big stake in the company. They had a big BP van here for a while, and lots of BP stuff on all their cars.

They moved out last week, so I can assume they got into some trouble money wise....
Tell them to lick your hairy nut sack and give you the money they owe you. In your case, you would love getting licked by a man and you get your money. Win win for you. :flipoff2: