What would you tell your younger self?

Listen to the advice your elders give you. Not because it fits but it fit them, and in them are small truths. Its not important if they 100 percent line up with yourself. Find yourself first.

And in that listening don't let the same advice squash childhood dreams because you must find yourself. Your father's shoes are not your burden. Be the man you were created to be is the best honour to give.
Find yourself.


Still Looking
It’s ok to let people go, don’t spend all your energy on people that don’t spend theirs on you.

Spend more time with mom, you won’t have her very long.

And invest heavily in these little companies called Amazon and Netflix (yes I know Blockbuster is the bees knees, just trust me)
Start working out sooner. Your back will thank you.

Would I like more money? Yes. Would it change me? Maybe. I believe that we all have a path and that forms us into who we are ultimately. I don't know if I would be the same person. I regret a lot of things over the years but it's taught me a lot of life lessons. Looking back I can think of two instances that I don't believe would change me. First would be the early years of my daughter. I didn't really appreciate the experience and I looked at it as more of a hassle because of the large adjustment that was having to be made. Call it immaturity. The other would be time with my dad. I was too busy with my own bullshit that I didn't realize he was wasting away. I missed a lot of opportunities just to ask questions and hang out. This is why I tell all my friends to spend as much time as possible with their dads.
Don’t waste time on some girls, don’t waste time on some people, keep the Toyota, buy a Jeep sooner, join nc4x4 when your first told about it, go to school for business management, get cdl, buy bitcoin when it was lessthan $50 and you don’t think it will work out
Have meaningful conversation with your parents as an adult. You'll regret not knowing many things.
Listen to your dad when he gave you THAT one piece of advice you neglected to
Have more self worth. Don't let attention from ladies add to or take away from it.
Embrace real friendships with the opposite sex.
Wait. Don't rush.
Save and invest. Don't try to impress others with materialistic crap.
Learn a specialty trade and be the best at it.
Yall talking about buying Apple. I owned about $10k of Apple for a few years back in the early 2000's. My cousin, who was my stock broker, told me to sell it since it just went sideways the whole time I owned it. FAAAAAAWK!

I would tell myself to save 10% of every paycheck in an account and not touch it. I would also tell myself to pick my battles instead of fighting every single one. Sometimes winning an argument is walking away from one.
Buy as much bitcoin as you can when it first comes out. Spend more time with dad. You'll lose him quicker than you think. Retire at 48 and live off of the bitcoin dollars. Don't change anything else.

Oh one other thing, don't loan Ryan your Ducati. It will end up totaled and you'll miss it forever. Meh F-it. Buy a cooler one with the bitcoin money. He heals up just fine. :laughing:
So many things I’d tell myself. Generically…

-Never be afraid to be who you are/be true to yourself.
-Be patient.
-Develop a good thought process for decision-making and apply it.
-Know that all things come to an end
-Do the best you can, but don’t be attached to the outcome. Control is an illusion.
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