What ya think?


Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2005
Ok, taco is gettin geared and locked this weekend, so it will be ready for its first trail at DPG in march. Anywho, we are going to make the bumpstops finally and i had a question that seemed like it might be worth asking. On the passenger side i can stuff for days without any clearance issues. On the driver side however, i can't get as much because of the zerk fitting on the bottom of the tre on the pitman arm. So my question is, do you see any downsides to having mis-matching bumpstops on the front(as in one getting a lot more stuff than the other)?

IMO making the bump stops match will be purely cosmetic. At some point in time to match them to their abilities will help you.
Is the issue causing the zerk to get broken off or something?

If so, take it out & replace it with flush plug... you can put the zerk in when you need to shoot grease at the TRE... wouldn't gain you much, but may be the ticket
I'd ditch the zerk and put a plug in the hole, since ya only lube that one every so often.

But different sized bump stops would only matter (i think) in things like jumping.