What's in your crawlspace??

I know how to solve this...

I'd burn their house down!
Damn imagine how much he made off just the venom from those rattlers... not including how many pairs of boots you got there! I’m in!
My wife would do it. But if it was just ONE grandaddy long legs spider.....

it's funny, I've been carefully catching wolf and jumping spiders w my bare hands since I was a kid and never been bit, but grandaddy spiders give me the heebie jeebies :eek: I had one crawl/walk up my leg, wearing shorts, driving my truck and about crashed frantically reaching down to get it off my leg!of course I had to pull over and get it out of the truck. I also hate the stink they give off.
:lol: I went *in* my crawl space with a plumber and his helper one time and they both had to pick their jaws up off the (dirt) floor because they'd "never seen a woman go in a crawl space."

It was probably the loose fitting blouse you were wearing...

J/K- you're a bad ass in my book Cyd!
F some damn spiders. Those do bother me.
Yep spider gets near me I turn gay for 5 seconds bahaha I've fainted before when big wolf spider got on my hand. Bad case of arachniphobia
Exactly why I don't work under houses anymore. The likelihood of finding rattle snakes in a crawlspace in the southeast is actually slim, but it does happen. In my years of crawling under houses from GA to TN, about the worst thing I've had happen was lying face to face with a very pissed off raccoon and having hundreds (no exaggeration) of black rat snakes rolling down my chest and face as I'm removing old fiberglass insulation. A colony of rats will test your manhood also.
This one time in Mooresville NC I encountered an infestation of black widows and was the only time I ever called my boss to say "ummmm....NO!"
Damn all that.