whats the best gas card?


Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2006
rockwell, NC
what gas credit card has the best benefits? not really worried about interest rates. thanks:beer:
I didn't know there was a difference... but we've got a blue Discover card. Says on Chris's link that's the Open Road card. Bonus on gas and groceries, I think. We get the cash back in gift cards, usually... because there's an extra multiplier. $30 for $20, etc.

We put anywhere from a few hundred dollars to several thousand dollars on it every month, and write them a check when the bill comes. They basically pay us several hundred bucks a year to use their card.

I know I get a free pair of Revos about once a year thanks to them.
i gotta establish some credit before the bank will give me the money i want for a house, so i figured i might as well get a card with some rewards. ive always paid cash for everything before
I have an American express "open' card.
It is a cash back set up...but it pays it every month.
Gas is 5% grocery store 5% most everything else is 3%.

We use it for gas only, the good thing is each month our statement reads total $500 less discount $25 pay $475.

So there is no wait on your gift card BS.