Whats your favorite video game


Active Member
Jun 16, 2009
as the title says whats your favorite game. doesnt matter on the system or the year it came out mine is fallout 3 for xbox 360 and in a close second is super mario brothers for super nintendo and my favorite online multiyplayer is halo 3 or mw2 whats yours???
Doom from it's original PC release back in the day. That's the first video game that captured me in full until it was beat on all difficulties.
Half Life 2 and everything spawned off of it.

I really like Eternal Silence but I think everyone gave up on it. No new maps in the last year and only one server in the country running it. Sad. Now I've gotta find a new game.

Team Fortress 2 was free this past weekend and it was a lot of fun.

Portal seems cool.

I really want to play the episodes. My problem is I am a cheap bastard.
River Raid on Atari

SuperContra on Nintendo

Gran Turismo 1 on Playstation
I've been playing TF2 since it came out. It does not get old.

I've got a soft spot for all sorts of sim/strategy games, SimCity, Railroad Tycoon, stuff like that. I won't play them for months or years, then I'll get sucked back in and play something nonstop for weeks on end. The old Warcrafts, too.

The original Doom would definitely make a top 10 list. Super Mario Brothers, too. I enjoyed the hell out of the first two (three??) Ratchet & Clanks. The first Prince of Persia was good.

The multiplayer modes in Halo and CoD are all right, good for drinking a beer and killing your friends. But they're awfully one-dimensional.
My top 5

1.Modern warfare 2 HANDS DOWN
2.the halo series..
3.Gran Turismo
4.teken 3
5. Splinter cell (the org.)

There were always a fight and EPIC games of NCAA football with friends
Ufc 09 was good but got old quick..
Btw had to buy it twice due to moving the 360 while the game was playing...Big no no haha

Tiger for the wii is fun.

zelda,goldeneye and the sonic games were pimp in the n64/sega days
Test Drive Lemans...Sega <--I was unbeatable!(in my circle of friends)
Grand Turismo 1 and 2
All of the Nascar games playstation
Daytona USA(arcade)
Off road rally or something...cant remember the real name.
Pole position Atari arcade version

Never really liked any games other than racing games.
Holy shit, I forgot about Gauntlet. That was a good one. Read the Wired article this evening about DNF... I'd forgotten about Duke.

Favorite Atari games...? Berzerk and River Raid.