Wheel spacers,any body know anything about these???


Doin my part to stir the pot.
Apr 17, 2005
Greeneville TN
Bought some stuff yesterday and in it was on old TTB axle,didnt realy want it but it was a package deal,anyway I know that in the early 80's (80 to 83ish) the F-350's did not have a solid axle under them,they were TTB.This one had some kind of wheel spacers I assume to make it DW,spacer is heavy cast and is about 4-3/8 thick/wide.So is this a factory Ford piece or some JC Whitney special???



Could be cause the 99 up F-350's use the same style adapter they are just metric bolt pattern.
its a factory ford piece. Their is a guy here in Lexington that has a factory f250 dually 4wd with the TTB. I've seen the build sheet
They look to be factory Ford pieces off a 1ton, that is how Ford achieves the correct offset on newer 1 ton trucks. I'm not sure but OBS 2wds may have used them as well. But I have never seen a factory F250 Dually. OBS F250s were TTB, the 1 tons were D60 fronts if 4wd. Though there were several "conversion" companies such as Centurion that made F250 DRWs as a dealership package option.
the truck I speak of is a 82 f250 4wd dually with TTB and a 351 under the hood. I called the guy a liar until he showed the build sheet. He bought the truck new
The spacers are a factory ford product. I have seen one 80's model f-250,4x4 dually that was bought new from ford with a ttb front with the same spacers .It was not a special order truck ford did make a few . I also know that ford made f-350s in the early 80's with a ttb front axle ,I have a friend that owns one its a 84' f-350 reg.cab srw ,351 w/4 speed . His uncle bought it new and its all original with the paper work from ford .
anybody got these things laying around?

Collecting part for my TTB 4x4 front axle on the BooBooBox,
figure ill be ready to do it in 2019-20 :)

Try to find somebody with a DRW Ford front D60 that wants to trade hubs.
I see the date of the thread, but points of clarification: No Factory Ford 4x4 duallies until the Super Duty. If I had a nickel for every 'factory' Ford that wasn't...I'd own Ford. And the 350 4x4's used TTB's 80-85.
ya... i know that ford never did everything right, except spell their name the same way.. "FORD" that about it.......
That's why i said "collecting" parts :)

Unless i can get a soild beam axle for the right price ? what do ya say guys? :)
No Factory Ford 4x4 duallies until the Super Duty. If I had a nickel for every 'factory' Ford that wasn't...I'd own Ford. And the 350 4x4's used TTB's 80-85.

You think they were aftermarket conversions until 1999?
You think they were aftermarket conversions until 1999?

Not just think...I know. I’m going to assume ford would know what the configurations their trucks came in, and if a dually 4x4 were available from the factory before the super duty...they would have mentioned it somewhere in the fact manuals, dealer albums, source books, dealer brochures, option selectors, plant capability manuals, special order manuals, master part catalogs, etc etc.

Not just think...I know. I’m going to assume ford would know what the configurations their trucks came in, and if a dually 4x4 were available from the factory before the super duty...they would have mentioned it somewhere in the fact manuals, dealer albums, source books, dealer brochures, option selectors, plant capability manuals, special order manuals, master part catalogs, etc etc.

View attachment 260512

Weird. I never would have guessed they were aftermarket. I had an 88 DRW that was always 4wd as far as I could tell.
Weird. I never would have guessed they were aftermarket. I had an 88 DRW that was always 4wd as far as I could tell.

Damn near bolt in those years. Holes are there and everything on the frame. Not a difficult backyard swap. And lots of places like Centurion, Starliner, Magnum etc that did these swaps. Still have the VIN??? That'll never lie.
Damn near bolt in those years. Holes are there and everything on the frame. Not a difficult backyard swap. And lots of places like Centurion, Starliner, Magnum etc that did these swaps. Still have the VIN??? That'll never lie.

Not bolt on. These were one piece hubs.
Not bolt on. These were one piece hubs.

Right...but if the axle wasn’t factory...who knows where the hubs were from. Ford literally didn’t/doesn’t have a factory part listing for any front end light duty 4x4 dually parts for that era.
Ford literally didn’t/doesn’t have a factory part listing for any front end light duty 4x4 dually parts for that era.

Well, except for the hub itself, every other part is the same. 2WD and 4WD 250 and 350 van and truck all used the same brake parts. It just varied from year to year. Only differences are the wheel bearings between 2wd and 4wd.

Dana lists Ford DRW and SRW front Dana 60s starting in 1986. "Ford Monobeam DRW F-350". I guess they made the hubs.

Dana Holding Corporation - The Expert Axle Bill of Material
1987 Ford Truck Brochure. 4x4 DRW truck capacities:

I just googled it, and that's what came up.
Fair enough...ya got me, for whatever reason, assumed we were talking fully dressed trucks, not cab/chassis...that’s on me.
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Right...but if the axle wasn’t factory...who knows where the hubs were from. Ford literally didn’t/doesn’t have a factory part listing for any front end light duty 4x4 dually parts for that era.
My world is shattered. I love this forum.
That is truly amazing.