Wheeling Harlan


No Rain, No Rainbow
Mar 17, 2009
Are there any good dates for a trip to Harlan other than Fall Crawl? Trying to schedule a ride with some folks who have never been and its always good to have some big boys to watch play.
From what I have seen there are groups of big rigs up there about any given weekend....
I was invited to go up Sept 14-16 never been up there.. will it be worth my trip to go on 33s and 85" wb??
snappy, yeah there are usually guys up there. I wheeled during Fall Crawl one year and it was fun, just too many idiots and congestion. I am too chicken shit to run Lions Den but it is always fun to see someone go through.

Infamous1, you will have a blast and it will be worth it. My friend has a locked and geared Sammy with 32s and he goes where you wouldn't think he could. Last trip he woke up the angry kittens under the hood and had a really good runs up Rail Bed. Probably the best place I have been since Tellico.

I thinking about the weekend after Fall Crawl on the 27th. Maybe squeeze a quick trip in during September!
I was invited to go up Sept 14-16 never been up there.. will it be worth my trip to go on 33s and 85" wb??
you cna literally find things to ride at harlan on anything from stock street tires to 49s and bigger
something for everyone, imho
Just got back from two days up at Harlan. You can take most any rig up there, there are trails for every kind of rig. You can ride around to the whole park on beginner trails, and find something super complicated almost everywhere in between. The most popular runs are Lions Den, Mason's Jar, Upper Rock Garden and Lower Rock Garden. It tends to be rainy and a bit sloppy, which can make it alot of fun just riding the easy trails. Here are some pics...feel free to ask any questions!









