when it rains it pours! wilmington flooding... pics!

the vw dealer is on New Centre which is where these pics were taken...sucks about her car but she's definately not alone...there were a lot of cars pulled out of there cause they thought they could make it....

thats it, I confirmed on google maps. Her apt was on Hunt Club rd, off New Centre, off Market St. This was in 1994, some things never change :lol:
i'm surpised old Bob King hasnt made the city do something about the flooding,lord knows he's got the pull to make it happen,i went down thru New Centre right before Hurricane Floyd,i was pulling my boat with my s-10 and this dumbass in a eclipse came by WFO and created a wake,i looked in teh reaview and the boat had floated sideways it was so deep,ahh the goodtimes
sounds like something i would do, hehe

-Erik <---- would have taken the boat for a spin on the street too!
haha, def not, lol... that was from the rain... that street always floods, some spots worse than others... we just did our best to make it fun! haha
i'm sure others will chime in since i took the liberty of exposing their vehicles, hehe
I'll just chime in because you exposed all of my pictures, but not my vehicle. WTF
I'll just chime in because you exposed all of my pictures, but not my vehicle. WTF

maybe because you were too much of a pussy to drive your mall crawler though any water that stood more than 3" deep

:fuck-you: :bounce2: :poop: :popcorn: :driver: :flipoff2: <--- this is erik talking shit, biatch
you know come to think of it i DIDN'T see chad go through anything... yeah he was telling (whining) me about how he didn't want to change his diff fluid!!! hahahaha pussy!!!!
The part about me not wanting to have to change my diff fluids is true. Pussy, no. Lazy, definitely. I really don't feel like putting even five more minutes worth of work into my pile of shit, much less any more money right now. Also, I did drive through there on the way out, I almost rear ended Erik when he came to a sudden and complete stop because he saw a girl he recognized. :fuck-you: While were at it, Erik I have taken my Jeep to Uwharrie more recently than you, and I think more times than you. I believe that makes you the mall crawler sir. So eat :poop: Oh and I think I'm getting Adam the Rock Krawler truss over the BTF one. I like it better, and it's cheaper.
you don't have to change your diff fluid when you go through water... i sure didn't!

and my jeep has been to uwharrie more than yours so i win honkey... even if you have been more recently. blah!

-Erik <--- can do sick doughnuts, how about you :)
you don't have to change your diff fluid when you go through water... i sure didn't!
and my jeep has been to uwharrie more than yours so i win honkey... even if you have been more recently. blah!
-Erik <--- can do sick doughnuts, how about you :)

You've been more than me? Doubt it honkey. I think I went on 31s almost as many times as you've gone period. I didn't change my fluid either, but I also haven't checked mine. :shaking: And no one should ever model their maintenance routines after yours. I will admit, you have a great ability to beat the shit outta your Jeep and take no care of it, and somehow you seem to get away with it. But then again you could probably also fall into a pile of :poop: and come out smelling like roses. My luck has never been as good as yours, so I don't push it.

No, I can't do donuts, nor do I really wish to, but I'm working on it. I think I might try to get that Detroit for it, and 30 spline chromos.
yo erik i think i'm going to be getting up with you to weld up the brackets on my 9" hopefully next week...

if you'll do that then i'll forget about the sawzall, 2 monkey wrenches, c-clamp.....you know all that stuff you have....:flipoff2:

bastard...giving away my shit...i'm gonna have to kick his ass.....
i didn't give shit away, i just let burley borrow it, haha... but only b/c it stopped working ,we figured out it was the plug. and he fixed it, haha
soooo it's burleys fault now.....i think someone needs to figure out their story....hahahaha anyways erik i still need that 9" welded up ..... i guess you can do that and we'll be good (meaning you can keep the busted sawzall!!!!!)