Where can I buy a frog gig that's worthy...


Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2005
Went through too many. It's that time of year again and I REFUSE to send another $5-10 to China...

Even Bass Pro has crap...

My dad had one made one time out of stainless that was a life-er but it got stole out of his truck.

But we love some frog legs and I think Falls Lake (behind my house) has more frogs than anywhere per square foot. It's really amazing to see every year this time for they rule my back yard.

Anybody in the market to make me a couple? Or know something I don't to where to purchase a GOOD one?
Any good bait shop on the coast should have some better made ones.
Stainless steel and withstands abuse mainly. The closer the prongs the better for frogs but for flounder I think they need spread out more. You can google images and the basic concept has not changed much.

Chinese crap is basically crappy welds and not stainless. I buy 2-3 every year from wally world and they fall apart after the first rock impact.
Get a bow with a foo foo arrow and get to work

My daddy used to use his .22 from a boat. 3 guys on the boat, one running the trolling motor, one with the spotlight, daddy with the rifle. We would stand on the bank and collect the frogs after he shot them.
I don't think any gig will hold up very long gigging rocks.

I have to beg to differ. With a long pvc pole to take the shock and a good gig, it should last a lifetime. A well fabbed stainless gig should dull or even bend on an impact before it breaks all to hell like the crap that's out there for sale.
I use a bamboo gig I make em myself and throw away when all the points break or wear out you can make it however long you like also the store bought are to short for me twine and a piece of cut bamboo your have best gig you'll ever need!!
After a TREMENDOUS lot of reading, I bought the B&M 4XPK spear head (Just as you mention Black Bear) for $20 (just as a backup) but I also got a frog net for $12 off of amazon. Both require a pole in which I'll make my own.

But I read too many times / reviews that the "Frog Net" made the prong idea totally obsolete for large toads. Too many variables with a prong where as this heavy duty "frog net" seems to work 100%. Just place over frog, frog jumps in, flip over and pull in to place toads into a trap of some kind. Folks usually insisted on a metal net trap but seems to me a 5 gal. bucket with a flap door.

The frog net made total sense just for one simple fact I read... Frog gigging (trapping) consists of at least a 6 or even 12 pack of choice apiece along with a couple buddies. If you kill the frogs by stabbing with a prone, you set yourselves up to a nasty muddy drunk night of cleaning the toads. Catch them live and you clean them the next morning clean and sober.


But I will tell you from experience in a couple of weeks...

I even checked out the "Frog Catcher" which was unique but didn't seem to be the choice while attempting from the bank.

It's just plain crazy how technology along with sharing ideas on the internet is changing the whole scheme of so many old ideas.