Where Can I buy this HVAC control board


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Aug 24, 2005
Concord, NC
Trance part number D156232G04. It’s the card in the top of the pic.
I’ve googled it and I’ve not come up with it except on sketchy looking websites that look like they’re a front for that Nigerian prince who always wants to send you a check.

Our AC unit for our bedroom is not working. The outside unit runs. The inside unit does not. I think it is this control board because the motor will not run. I checked resistance on the motor windings and that seemed ok. It’s a variable speed, so no starting capacitor.

Trane has a massive warehouse in Charlotte right on 49 just South of Clanton rd.
I've walked in and bought before.
more than likely you have a bad motor/module. Variable speed motors is a different animal. Simply ohming the motor will not tell you if it’s good or bad. also you have to remove the module to actually ohm motor. It has a 16 pin plug correct. There is a way to jump it out and test but I don’t remember off the top of my head. Also need to verify you have your 24v signal and high voltage power making to the motor. You can pull the module off the back of the motor and check the motor leads to ground and then ohm winding to winding. The motor is actually a 3 phase motor so all the ohm readings should all be the same.

Is it still under warranty? Many units have a 10year parts warranty.
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more than likely you have a bad motor/module. Variable speed motors is a different animal. Simply ohming the motor will not tell you if it’s good or bad. also you have to remove the module to actually ohm motor. It has a 16 pin plug correct. There is a way to jump it out and test but I don’t remember off the top of my head. Also need to verify you have your 24v signal and high voltage power making to the motor. You can pull the module off the back of the motor and check the motor leads to ground and then ohm winding to winding. The motor is actually a 3 phase motor so all the ohm readings should all be the same.

Is it still under warranty? Many units have a 10year parts warranty.
I unplugged the motor lead, it was a 5 or 6 pin connector, and ohm'd it out. It seemed ok, but I've never dealt with a variable speed motor before.
I do mostly commercial so I don’t deal with residential style variable speeds motors a ton. But I think motor has 2 plugs correct the Smaller one your talking about and then a 16 pin plug above that.

On the back of motor there is a module looks like an extension of the motor. It has 2 screws holding it on. You have to remove that and there will be a 3 wire lead from the motor. That is were you check ohms on the motor. Also Motor spins freely by hand correct? Once you remove module check for Any burnt spots on module. Module has several capacitors so wait a few mins after power is turned off to let them discharge before removing.

8/10 times it’s the module not the motor that’s bad though.

What’s your model and serial number and I can check warranty status for you.
D&L should have or be able to get anything. I haven’t had a time where I walked in with an appliance part and they didn’t have it on the shelf.