Where Cheap Meets Practical - my new thing


Well-Known Member
Mar 20, 2005
Lexington, NC
So I lost my job on Friday June 30, so to fill time until I have another job, I have decided to chronicle my time by creating a YouTube channel. I'm not counting on it ever getting to a point where I could make money at it, but it is keeping my Marketing skills honed while I search for a new gig.

A little back story, I’m a bit of a do-it-yourselfer, a bit of a geek, a bit of a gearhead, a bit of a story-teller, a bit of a redneck and a bit of a city boy. When you put all that together, you find a guy who is hard-working, resourceful, knowledgeable (enough to get by!) and determined.

This is our family journey where we take a very non-traditional approach to homesteading where we work with less than an acre of land, growing food in multiple raised bed gardens and supplementing our food budget with fresh eggs from our hens. You don’t have to have a 40 acre farm to reap the benefits of homesteading. We call it "Insteading".

Check out my Youtube channel here: https://www.youtube.com/@InsteadHomestead
i was hoping for a build series on one of these...


good luck with the channel
i was hoping for a build series on one of these...


good luck with the channel

That looks neither cheap or practical. :) But a whole lotta fun.

One day I will get my 72 VW Rat Beetle running. It's been cheap, but in no way practical. Love it anyway!
Good luck. You never know what may happen.
Good luck. You never know what may happen.

Thank you. I have three interviews this week. I am really looking forward to the one tomorrow since it's an international company that just opened their US facility here in Lexington 4 years ago. The pay scale is higher than I was at, and since it would be so close, my commute would be like 10 minutes.

I have posted my 4th video for Instead Homestead. My wife's not tired of hearing my voice yet, so I'll continue.