It will never end. As long as there are people out there that will give credence to people who feel they've been wronged in an attempt to benefit their own agendas it will never end. I f'in hate the news and the media in general. I feel I can never get a straight take on the facts. They always have to throw in the little jabs that they think are coy but in reality are a glaring billboard of their opinion. I often wonder what makes old men cantankerous and filled with "zero give-a=shitness" and this is why. By the time we're shot out of the womb the world has already begun its descent down the toilet. When we're young we're too self absorbed with Battle Cats, Army men and monster trucks to take notice. Then we get a little older and we're infatuated with women, booze and excitement. The next thing we know the men and women we've come to look up to are gone and we're left looking around wondering where the hell did all the good times go? Where's my uncle who drank Miller Light and told dirty jokes at the family reunions go? He's not dead yet he's been killed by all the damn sensitive bleeding hearts. Heaven forbid he offends the cousin who's new take on life is one of skinny jeans, PETA rallies and making out with her best friend because we all know that shit's hip. The ones who make it to the end with their morals intact and a general sense that everyone else is crazy go on to be persecuted online in a battlefield equivalent of bringing a knife to a gun fight. Assimilate you heathen or there will be Twitter hell to pay. I could give two shits what you think you know about God, glory and simpler times. This is our world now and it sucks. I don't plan to give up the good fight but it's only a matter of time before I drop the wrong innuendo in a crowd of people while talking to my best friend. I'll be internet famous with my confederate flag, shotguns, beer binge weekends and love of Lord on display for all to judge. Then I'll be canned from work and I can start collecting coins in a cup at the new outlet mall in hopes of having one of those bleeding hearts hand me my consolation prize 25 cents at a time.