Where to get a new 'fridge?


New Member
Jan 13, 2008
I'm moving to my new home in 2 weeks and I need to get a new fridge. Back in San Diego, we had a Sears Factory Oulet that sold "Scratched and Dinged" appliances at a discount. Anything like that close to Charlotte? I suppose I'd be willing to drive a ways away for a good deal.

Any ideas?

yes, Lowe's, Find yourself a guy at Lowe's, (maybe even a manger) ask him if he has any dented fridges in the back... or old display fridges, maybe even disscontuied....

If it has a scratch, dent, missing a tray or anything they will give you some money off. IF you REALLY know a guy there he might drop something on it a couple of times to get more off.

I have a contact here in Durham I love, He will call me when he sees something I might like (that is how this broke girl got her toolbox!!!) that is bad, I work for Public Hardware and know alot about Lowe's, flirting with the enemy:naw:
yes, Lowe's, Find yourself a guy at Lowe's, (maybe even a manger) ask him if he has any dented fridges in the back... or old display fridges, maybe even disscontuied....

No need to call, just stop by the closest sLowes... they usually have the scratch/dents sitting in an aisle or near the new.

The appliance flunkies can point you towards them and check the other locations for other models.

FWIW, we just bought a discontinued model for 55% of the new price. Still had a full warranty, NO scratches/dents and only minutely different than the "new" model.
There's a place here in Shelby called Hendrick's Appliances that sells scratch & dent for reasonable costs.
Queen City Appliance has its scratch and dent store in Spencer NC (just north of Salisbury)
Ok, they bought/fixed that