Where to recycle a car battery...


no shirt,no shoes,no dice
Mar 24, 2005
and get a little cash? Advance auto, at least the one near me, used to give a $5 gift card for a dead battery. I brought 2 in this weekend and they said they just stopped doing that, but might pick back up, check back soon. This just got me thinking there might be something else out there, hopefully just as convenient as stopping by the parts store.
Up here, the local recycling places where I take metals will take them, I think they give $8 or something.
Most scrapyards will take them and it's by the pound.
Chip Price knows a recycle r that runs a route along I-40. Don't know if he gets up your way, + you'd have to meet him somewhere.
You might want to save them up, till you get a larger load.
That's me. I live in Mt airy. Running 9 for car batteries now and 14 for truck, (large group). Pm with info.
Omnisource in Greensboro on burnt poplar rd buys them by the pound. Can't remember what I got for the last one I sold there but it was more than I expected.
I always keep a couple on hand cause core charges are more than recycle prices. And nobody will sell you one without a core charge.