most OEM conveters we get betwwen $40.00 to $80.00 apieace for them from a guy that comes by about once a month high end european cats can breing as much as $150.00 to $200.00, I got $25.00 for a tracker cat that was blown out in the middle as to where to take then where your at go talk to a few of the local repair shops one of them will give you a # or a name. just dont let then jip you one the price.
Bring em' to We have a guy that stops by and pays big $$$$ for the mercedes and bmw converters, as much as $200 a piece. Stop at a shop that does a lot of exhaust work, hopefully they'll hook ya up.
Are you guys aware that there are a lot of cases of people sawzalling cat converters off people's cars and selling them?
The owner of a Durham Monro shop tells me the reason is they create precious metals like platinum as a by-product. The thieves get them off cars parked in lots, sell them, and whoever buys them has the equipment to cut them open for what's inside.
yea i read about that in the paper. I had no idea. and it would happen to be in Durham too. i'm kinda short on cash, I might cut my own off and cash it in. ha.
It isn't a byproduct, but the cats are made with platinum and palladmium, if you have a newer vehicle it may have rhodium also. At most dealerships they get picked up every other week or so along with brake rotors, AC compressors, and other miscelaneous parts. If you take any of these to a dealership or have a friend that works at one they may be able to help you.