which driveshaft in SOA YJ?????


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2010
should i run a double cardan shaft or the stock style... im looking for it to be the most quiet on the interstates. also does anyone reccomend a stronger driveshaft that i can use as my slip yoke on mine is worn out and vibrating like crazy
Get rid of the slip yoke and install a slip yoke eliminator kit, any good cv drive shaft will be good, olivers, tom woods and so on.
What axle, 30? If you want to take the time to reweld your perches or put in shims to accomodate the pinion angle for a cv shaft, you'd be better off going that route. I'd use a stock front explorer shaft and just have it lengthened.
yes its a 30. is there any particular year of exploder i should be looking for? will i have to get the yokes from the same exploder?
Not sure of the years, but any that I've pulled front shafts out of at the PAP have 1310 u joints. You don't need any yolks or anything. Unbolt the cv end from the t case then take off the u-joint straps at the front diff. Take the shaft out.

You could also use a front shaft from a cherokee, but I like the explorer shafts for 2 reasons. 1. They are a larger diameter and it's easier to find a heavier walled tube for them. 2. They generally seem to have seen less use/wear and tear than the chero shafts.