whiney SOB's

see what I mean :lol:
Edit, I did use spell checker :D I tried so hard to make that post right.... should have looked for the obvious

This is why spell checkers are BAD. You coem to rely on them insstead of using your own intelligence.

You have to admit...that picture of barley is nice...
Makes me relax

Yeah kind of ruins the whole tone of this thread.
Great truck...
I am just trying to make a trade before summer.

I got a boat and it sucks taking 2 vehicles to the lake

also, I figured I needed to offer trades to all that interested me...

millions of apologies
I'll keep quiet

In my case, 99% of them are typos where my brain is moving faster than my fingers and keys get switched

Oh yeah, liek that <--
In my case, 99% of them are typos where my brain is moving faster than my fingers and keys get switched
Oh yeah, liek that <--

I call it digital dyslexia

wixing your mords ain't hard to do
ratlab should appreciate this...
I read a long ass article on this one time. It has to do with right hand vs left hand and neuro transmitter fire rates and transmission etc. coupled with muscle dexterity.

Basically look at "teh". Mst people are rigth handed, but by default for some reason the brain has to "think more" to move the left hand as the right is used more. As a result the brain concentrates (subliminally) more on getting the left handed motion right and ends up firing before the right hand has completed its action...

I dont remember enough about the article but it was damn interesting, if not waaaaaay over my red neck....

One thing I find funny, is I used to have a keyboard with a sticky "E" key, I mean you had to nearly hammer on it to get it to work. As a result quite often I would end up with words missing the e. I kept it for over a year simply because I was too lazy or didnt think about it when I was in town. Then when I finally did replace it, I realized how much I had subliminally over compensated, and almost a yeear later I still double up my e's on at least a daily basis.