who burns custom chips?

after Christmas I will be doing the fuel injection conversion on my amc 360. i remember someone in the charlotte area that does tuning so does anyone know who it is or have any info on this person?

Aaron871 *used* to live down there, but has since relo'd to the left coast. IIRC, most of his chips had no spark control...

If you decide to do your own tuning or prom begging, I can burn you some 27SF512's (MUCH cheaper/plentiful than OEM chips & electronically erasable) and mod your ECM(s) with ZIF sockets (5second chip changes)...

i kinda figured that since i have not heard about him in a while. i can send it to a guy on binder planet but i was wanting to find someone close to do it cause it's probably going to be mailed back and fourth a few times.
i will have to get a cable and software for data logging and have thought about steping up for the rest of the stuff to burn my own chips but i would need to burn more than just my own to be able to justify it.
What's your plans...
Fuel & spark?
EGR/VSS delete?
Stock/rebuilt 360?

If so, a SBC 350 bin will likely get you very close...
all of the above on a stock 360 with hedders.
im gonna try the 350 bin first and see what happens with the timing

If everything is right (correct 5.7L injectors & 15# fuel pressure), I bet it'll be real close fuel wise, but the spark/knock tables will invariably be way off... it'll still run 100% better than a carb, but room for improvement! :lol:

i do want the egr and vss turned off and also try to bump the ac sense rpm. so i can have a fast idle switch.

I can do that for you, just haven't got to the point of deciphering the logs<>adjusting the bin's. :rolleyes:
Mine (304) was totally done via long distance... posting the logs > BIN sent back> burnt & logged> repeat. I think this is only the 3rd tune past stock 350 and decided it was good enough for a trail rig (good power + slightly rich)!
kind of off topic, but im looking into doing the same thing, but with a ford engine... What i cant quite understand after reading on binder planet, is what to do if you are running HEI Dist. I would like to keep it, but really want to do spark control as well.
With TBI, the spark module is external to the dist. There is just a pick up coil in the dist. and from the module a wire triggers the coil. With a little work you could wire an HEI dist to be triggered by the TBI module. Then just wire the trigger wire into the HEI cap/plug You'd need to lock out or remove the vac. advance.

I used my old Motorcraft (DuraSpark II) dizzy w/ both mechanical & vacuum advances locked out to trigger the EST (equivalent of HEI module) and OEM dizzy ('84 258) on Taters CJ... all the EST needs is a trigger, so it's likely a points dizzy w/ a Pertronix would fire it also.

EST is under the modded heatsink

Seems there's also been some folks doing crank (optical) triggers to fire engines with unequal firing degrees and coil/cyl & coil-on-plug ignitions (find the Corvair on BinderPlanet)

I haven't seen any energy comparisons between the old school HEI and GM TFI, but I contend the GM TFI coil will put your peepee in the dirt (like being tazed)... BTDT! :lol: