who here knows cryogenics?


Dirty Jeeps...Done Dirt Cheap!
Dec 5, 2006
Hickory, NC
Seeking some knowledge...
No help............I know it's really cold and makes knifeblades hard to dull, or re-sharpen..................and it sounds expensive o_O .
not too expensive, what I have found so far.

I am breaking the center parts in a D300. Knocking the teeth off the intermediate gear and the front output gear. I'm not braking the front output shaft, (the rear is already a 32 spline), which I am to understand is what would normally be the weak point. Not the gears!

Was just curious if and how much Cryo would help keep the teeth on the gears! I have seen numbers of 400% to 800% stronger, but that is from the folks that are selling the service!

This is a possible temporary fix til I can save up for that Atlas!
Call Longfield. I don't think you will get Bobby on the phone( I have talked for a couple of hours with him but his health is poor right now). They offer the service. Andy at Ironman I am sure could tell you more about it....
I am breaking the center parts in a D300. Knocking the teeth off the intermediate gear and the front output gear. I!
I have no idea why.
Wait, yes i do!
The last place I worked had a Cryo unit. It would heat the parts to about 300* above 0 and then freeze them to about 300* bellow 0. We treated all our cutting tools (drills end mills and carbide inserts) and it worked wonders for tool life. The shop owner had a race car and he treated tranny and rearend gears with some success. It didn't work at all on anything that had to "move" or "flex" we tried tires and that sucked. We also tried a race go cart frame and it pretty much killed it, basically took all the "flex" out of it.
i had looked into it before, heard a lot of different things from many people but what i mainly got from it was it was more of something for wear between metal and metal, such as ring and pinions and what not but as far as strength it does make it "stronger" but also more brittle. I was thinking it would be something like a cheap chromoly but i was completely wrong. All i could say is talk to someone who actually does the treating and see what you can get from them.
from what i have looked into cryoing componenets, and trying to pull back some info from my school days... basically you are case hardening the gears. As said, that would make them stronger to wear, but potentially more brittle. There are many ppl that have had luck using them in R&P gear sets for extra strength.

How is the gear breaking, can you tell? is it shearing teeth off, or busting something else? do you think there is flex in the case housing casuing the gears to bind and break?
cryo pretty inexpensive for small parts.

Didnt want to do a 4:1 because I feel my Jeep is in it's gearing sweet spot right now. really like how it crawls. not too low...

I would have to consider a lomax 4:1 kit before putting a 205 in my poor little jeep! too big, too heavy, to high of gear, to much changing only to upgrade to an Atlas sooner than later

If I dont get a satisfactory feeling about cryo. prob gonna do a 4:1 just to get the good gears and continue saving for the Atlas!
from what i have looked into cryoing componenets, and trying to pull back some info from my school days... basically you are case hardening the gears. As said, that would make them stronger to wear, but potentially more brittle. There are many ppl that have had luck using them in R&P gear sets for extra strength.

How is the gear breaking, can you tell? is it shearing teeth off, or busting something else? do you think there is flex in the case housing causing the gears to bind and break?

Shearing the teeth off either the output gear or the intermediate gear. not sure which actually fails first! could be case flex. but could never tell how since the case isnt actually mounted. It floats as the adapter is where its mounted. And it isnt tearing off the adapter

Any gear embrittlement would def be bad!
66cjdean on pirate is the gear cryo guy, you might send him a message.

I believe that was the guy that did both my R&Ps. Chase sent them up to Washington State area a few years ago to have them done. Not sure if it did anything strength wise or if ECGS even sent them, but Chase did give me a bill :D
let's See....Heavy Right Foot...^ check
Maniac Driver....uhhhh.....^^ check check
....I forsee an Atlas case sitting up under a Bright Yellow Jeep b4 too long.