Who listens to 94.7 QDR?????


New Member
Aug 3, 2005
Did anyone listen last night to the radio and hear the new ad for a 4x4 shop thats located here in NC?? I heard it and couldn't believe it. It was a great idea for that company to do that. I think a few others of you like andy at carolina rock shop and tarheel 4 wheel drive should do the same thing. It was a long commercial on the radio too. The voice and attitude of the guy made it sound like you need to call right away and order stuff.I do not know anyone who works there. DOWNEAST OFFROAD was the one with the commercial. It was a bada$$ commercial and the right place to put it. All country boys and girls and guys heard it. I wonder how much it cost and what it will do to their business.:D
Wait wait
You mean it's a good idea for a company to advertise?
To quote the Guinness gents,
As for how much it costs?
Give them a call:
Telephone Numbers:
Business & Sales --- 919-876-6464 (QDR that is)

We do trucks is also sponsoring a "pimp my truck" dilly on there.
Wonder if they'd pimp out a tube chasis'd crawler?
you could fit 30" spinners under there.
that cross tube is in the way of proper sub placement, who needs a proper roll cage?
Not to mention MOST marketing tyopes will tell you that radio is traditionally very poor at direct response advertising.
I.E. how easy is it to take down a number and call back while driving

radio advertisement does more for brand building and announcemnet style marketing.

So the call now 'tude was almost certainly a rookie marketeer, or a radio croney type that thinks radio is the king of all medium
ok I was just asking. Thanks!!

I know about communication and advertising and media realtions thanks. What I was saying is that it is nice to hear about a 4x4 shop and rare and sort of cool to hear a commercial about something 4x4 instead of some medical or political or the usual crap they play. It would be nice to hear more 4x4 stuff and see it on tv too:Rockon: :D
The return per dollar on your radio advertising idea is not condusive to making more profit.

It's way too expensaive and it is proven not to work well. Most small businesses using these advertising mediums are hurting badly and use it as a last ditch effort to try and drum up more sales. Good organizations grow stronger each and every year thru good quality work, good customer service, and a great REPUTATION!!

I can see why you heard that particular shop advertising...............:shaking:

Only two smileys?? Do you feel OK?
i must admit, i did it. Papa needs gears!!!!! :)

ill just be happy if they finish the body work and paint the damn thing. im tired of my truck being 3 colors.

the commercial didnt get the word out, doughball did

So is that like a good thing for the company? Or a black eye for the company?

But in theory, he got the word out because of the commercial?
Radio advertising (targeted) can work fairly well if you have a new company as well. Granted you get very little immediate calls, but people might remember the name. Like for restaurants etc. You hear the commercial, then you think of eating there in a few. (Hence why I'm thinking of heading to Saffron for lunch, tasty Indian food, yum)

Anywho, back to the normally scheduled attempts to pimp our trucks. I want them to pimp my jeep :lol: I can put the cracked hard top back on? They can fix that?
I took a buisness class that the Professor explained it a different approach. He said Commercials were for last ditch effort like Greg said and not affective for people that know the fact, indeed see it that way. But if your buisness was dragging and almost broke, he said to take out a loan and go buy a Hummer (or something equally flashy or expensive) and advertise on the side of it. The reverse psychology of "The dude just bought a Hummer" reflects that his buisness is doing real good and people will come. Ask anybody who advertises on Hummers how it works for them!
A friend of mine in Baily, NC bought a Hummer just for his Vitamin shop and it trippled his buisness. Another guy I knew in Tennessee was about to flop in his used car buisness and he went out and bought a new Vette and his buisness picked up dramatically.
I think anything bling I see driving down the road attracts eyes better than commercials. Definately sticks to the brain more. The dude installing carpet in Willow Spring with the Actual Fire painted on his van sticks to my head. I bet his buisness picked up too!
I did not want to bring that up but it is very effective. Vehicle advertising in major city's works very very well. We are a nationwide company(Husky Brand Pet Products). News paper, tv commercials, and radio ads would not do anything for us. But we found serveral "people" that we paid to advertise our business on there "exspensive and flashy" cars. Yes, two H2s and 2 other Cadilac SUV's. This was done in two citys Dallas and L.A., each of these people had 2 hour plus commutes in very busy areas. They were under contract to drive as least 5000 miles a month or we were discounted. It was a year contract for $150 a month per vehicle. Needless to say the lease is over and we had about a 4000% increase in sales in those two Markets.

Dallas was not really a market for us to begin with but L.A. was already fairly big for us. In fact it was the secound largest market (money wise) aside from San Fransico. When comparing the $8000.00 or so we spent on the entire deal for one year of advertising we felt we did very well. I am not sure if this would work again. We did it about 2 years ago and it worked. We are now a wholesale company mainly so now our advertising budget is spent on wholesale catalogs, magazines that deal with pets, Google, and Overture (yahoo).

IMHO, radio ads work a lot better in smaller towns. In larger citys people just don't listen to the radio while thinking about shopping. Food, public announcments like circus's and other forms of entertainment may work but you have to judge the market.

I did not finish business school because I felt like it was holding me back. I talked with the instructor at the time and he agreed. I regret it and will go back when I get out of the military only for one reason. If something were to happen and I needed a business loan to continue I would need a degree to asure the bank I am "good for it." To me you can learn more from reading a few books on your own than attending 4 years worth of class. I think I have a predisposition to be a business owner. damn, this got wordy....I quit.:shaking:
Word of mouth (good or bad) trumps advertising every time simply from human group think. We have NEVER advertised the family business, guess we should that 6 month backlog is getting tight.
Vehicle advertising as a whole is certainly an intersting dynamic.

When I owned my landscape business in Greenville, we had a Tundra get sprayed with a nasty lil chemical that lefgt it looking hideous. Paid to have a 3 month old vehicle repainted and poor prep work left us $1000 less money and a still crappy looking vehicle (aparently the old pint was left on and some of the chemical seeped out of the old paint into new) Long story short money was too tight to repaint and it was hideous to drive around (these were full custom painted trucks with company logo etc.)

My wife had the "crazy" idea to cover the truck in cheap astro turf from Lowe's, we did and you would not believe the response we got to that. We left it like that almost a year, and to the day I sold the business folks would call and the first question they would ask is "Are you guys the grass car folks?"

Attention is never bad, even if unintended...
We haven't advertised in over 10 years in any way, word of mouth keeps us booked up several days out.

But you guys aren't "EXTREEEEME!" :lol:
if I had to guess, I would bet that in the HOBBY industry, finding and putting banners on "hobby type" forum websites would be the best placed $ / return ratio.

..and then hanging out and answering technical questions on those sites, etc. You will build up a pretty good rep and then prob have a hard time doing all the work that comes in the shop...

...and then get flamed for becoming "the man" cuz you are not hanging out on the website as much or answering your phone cuz you are wrenching and then....

..lol, gee have we seen this cycle? But, I would say this is HOBBY industry, cars, bikes, whatever hobby can be researched on the net.

I know if I have an issue, I search for ###### AND FORUM on google, because I want to go to the group of folks who own that same item.

For instance, I wanted to look into Sony HDTVs, I did the above and found AVS forums...researched the tv I was getting...changed my mind a couple times based on that...and then bought it....

Man..maybe they need to pay US for hanging out in forums? [Well, my employers are doing that I guess ha!!!]

If he was smart he would have gone with billboards :)

Are those the things that I like because they block out the painful sunlight in my eyes?
Well add another local shop to the list.

Today at 3:32PM I heard another shop advertised and made a huge deal about getting your truck hooked up by them. Yup thats right "We Do Trucks" had a 2 minute advertisment on there today. :shaking: I think its spreading.:lol:

Who's Next??????????:confused: