Please remember who actually profits the most from higher gas prices, the government. They do nothing to find, obtain, refine, transport and make fuel available to the public but they TAKE the lions share of the "profit". Why don't other people complain to their state and federal government to drop/reduce the taxes on fuel instead of believing in the hype that BIG OIL is just out to screw us. The oil company's are just trying to make a buck just like me. If people don't like what I charge for my services then they can get their service elsewhere, which is fine by me, one less headache. Like mbalbritton said, he could make other choices but he chose to buy fuel. We all have a choice, first we should decide to use that 3lb piece of gray matter between our ears and learn our lives are OUR responsibility. We make our own choices, if you choose to change you lifestyle to accommodate not buying gas or anything else for that mater, good for you. If not, quit wasting time complaining in a web forum and call and write your representatives until they do something about it.