Why are crank machinist so rare in RDU?


Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2005
I've had a couple cranks turned in the area by 2 of the machinists that I know in this huge area and not very fond of either deal. Why are crank machinists so rare? As I understand, the trade is a little bit dangerous and the machines to do so are expensive, but for 3 guys to hold down the entire area is driving me crazy? Or is there a cool little greasy shop somewhere that I don't know about?

Walkers in Raleigh - A tad expensive at $155 after all fees applied. But the nicest bunch of guys to deal with. I can almost buy a brand spankin new crank for that amount no matter HOW good people say they are...

CarQuest on Germantown Road - dude only turns cranks on Saturdays and only for half a day putting his backlog up to 2 months right now. He's the only person running the shop. I didn't even get a quote...

And my favorite Jerk-Off is the dude at Loop Auto in Garner that left a huge gash in my main only turning it 0.001 and claimed it wouldn't hurt it to run it. But then charged me again when I wasn't satisfied and had him turn 0.010 like he should have done to begin with. Still reasonable at $50 each turn but still a MAJOR Jerk-Off to deal with.:shaking:

I'm in need of another crank turn and fed up with all 3 of these guys and willing to travel a bit. Anybody aware of another or had better experiences in Raleigh, Durham, Chapel Hill area? :huggy: As I understand there IS no machinists in Durham or Chapel Hill that turns cranks...
In Winston we have a guy that runs a shop out behind his house. Rotating Dynamics is the name of his business. If you care to drive all the way out here. I've used him a couple times on various things, but not a crank. I'm FAIRLY certain he does them. I know he has quite the set up. I watched a Block get bored one day while waiting on him. mightbe worth a phone call if nothing else.

If you need it done right my uncle Eddie does cranks up in NY, you'd have to ship it in a proper box etc but he does a lot of $$ race engines and rare stuff. I can't say the price would be any better especially with shipping but it would be done exactly how you wanted it, and be done right the first time... PM me if your seriously interested as I'd have to give him a call and set it up..
T-Hoff in raleigh does it if im not mistaken. they do good work, we have had a number of heads and motors done there
I'll probably be dropping off a crank next week after payday to see what they are all about Chase. Seems every time I turn around I need a crank turned and probably won't be long until I need another.
Shipping to NY would kill me with this one Yag. I need a 390 FE crank machined and I'd say it would go 60# or more. I'd do just as good at Walkers.
