will a 22r forklift motor work in a pick-up


Go big or go home
Nov 15, 2008
henderson nc
i fould a good runnng 22r motor in a forklift the guy sad i could have but i have a 22re in my truck can i just put my head on the forklift motor a bolt it in and ride
22R was never in a forklift, at least as an OEM install, it is possible that it was swapped in. would actually like to see pix of that.

5R engine was used till about 1984, then the 4Y was/is used to this day in Toyota forklifts.

If it is a 22R, you need to find out if it is early or late, early 22R has double row timing chain, slightly shorter block height and a different head, newer version ( including the 22RE ) have taller block, single row chain. parts won't interchange with out modifications.
sounds like another lift tech a talkin there, you are right on bud, 22re was never used in industrial, the 4y is a tough engine though