Will the North and South pole Switch in 2012?

The world has been ending ever since it was created. There is very little we can do about it whether we like it or not. Best bet is to give me all your earthly belonging. haha
Did you get the link from a guy with crazy hair who apparently hadn't had a bath in weeks wearing a sandwich board indicating the world is ending?
Ah :poop:, :alien:'s are coming, the sky is falling, global warming, global cooling, we have a president with no skills for the job, etc... there is always something that's going to happen. Live today, plan for tomorrow but don't get too upset if it doesn't go the way you want.
Cheers :beer:

Btw, nothing personal, it just bugs me when I read crap like that.
Will the North and South pole Switch in 2012?
I have no real idea or Opinion but after reading some on the always correct and truthful internet. There is some consensus that this has happened before, and it might happen again.
Discuss :popcorn:
In 2012?
Will the magnetic pole switch eventually?
It has a few times over the life of the earth.
But it wasn't like,
"go to bed facing south, wake up facing north"
It was over a LONG time.
so just how long does it take for the poles to actually swap ends? I mean , does it take an hour or two, or a century or two?
Closer to "high" thousands of years.
So for a period of a few thousand years, you wouldn't have a magnetic field. That will finally get the damn geese to stop coming to my house.
That day, 12/21/12 is the end of the Myan Calander, or end of their cycle.

How the Hell did they know to end their calendar on such an event.

The Myans said their would be a great celebration on that day as its an honor to live to the end of the cycle
That day, 12/21/12 is the end of the Myan Calander, or end of their cycle.
How the Hell did they know to end their calendar on such an event.
The Myans said their would be a great celebration on that day as its an honor to live to the end of the cycle

They didn't make it. So I am not going by anything they said.