Maybe I am late to.the game on this. I tried my best to get the unspoiled 125' of old wire cable to roll up nice but after years of being in the drum, it was like a slinky. So I gave this a shot and it works. I will gladly buy a new drop cord reel.
Recently I was given a new cable. Hadn't been on the drum, but had been in a roll. But when I got it, it was loose, & no way to curl it back up. I though of a cord winder, but didn't have one handy. I C clamped the hook end, to a hand truck handle, & proceeded to curl it back around the handle. Worked, but was a Bitch! Plus I had 50 some pounds of weight on the hand truck, trying to hold it. Once wound, I zip-tied it. Had to bump it back off the handle with a big hammer. Damn!