winchline run through tube to "remote" mount winch?


Well-Known Member
Mar 20, 2005
To explain: No room on the front of my buggy for a winch, plus, I want a really low COG. I have room (barely) under the driver seat for my Warn XD9000i winch, could POSSIBLY run the line w/o it going through a "guide" tube, but would rather be able to have it through a tube so I KNOW where the line is, and that it is not rubbing anything.

Only real problem I see is the edges would need a good chamfer to keep from tearing up the rope, and also that the line might bunch up in one place on the winch. Anyone think this would cause a big problem? I would probably try to use some fairly large tube (maybe 3' or so) to give the rope room, think if I stopped it about ~1-2 feet in front of the winch it might still reel up decently? I expect I would have to re-wind the rope more often if I do it this way, but there is no room on the front for the winch...
Im pretty sure terry moorefield had something like this on his cruiser?
i think it would work ok, but I wouldnt run it through a tube... i would think the tube would make it harder on the rope to spool evenly, and move through the fairlead without rubbing... maybe just put a cover over it to protect it and everything else...
a leave sticking through the floorboard to move the rope left and right so it would go onto the drum evenly might work.


how many layers would that be taking off of the drum? whats the pro's and con's of that?
Instead of chamfered edges, consider rollers or pulleys. Also, it would probably wind up better than usual because the cable would always be coming in straight and centered. I know everytime I winch something, it always favors one side or the other.
you don't have to use round tube. rectangle tube works as well and offers some width to it to help with spooling on the drum.

or, if you use round, you can flatten the end to an oval shape to widen it so it can spool easier.

Some UHMW guides strategically placed may work out better than a tube
I broke a synth winch line this weekend and it flew about 20'. It's pretty light so I don't know how much damage it would have done if it hit somebody but I sure wouldn't want it to hit my legs (or between them) right at the snapping point.

I can't quite picture where you're mounting your winch but it would be wise to spend a little time thinking about where the line might travel if it snaps. A tube sounds safe, so does a firewall if you're doing that anyway. Just be sure not to stick a winch between your legs and let that line snap. :D
there is a dude running RROCK on pirate that has a '92ish toyota and he is running the winch under the pass seat and out through the front of the truck inside some tubing. seems to work tits
I gotcha a roller fairlead :lol:
What about running it through a piece of hollow aluminum tubing...

I thought I had said something about using a piece of aluminum tube, but I checked back and I didn't. I'm going to look into everything, very likely some sort of tubing, I want something w/o a seam inside to prevent the rope from rubbing it.

Oh yea, I do plan to use "hollow" tubing, as I've never heard of tubing that isn't hollow :flipoff2:
there is a dude running RROCK on pirate that has a '92ish toyota and he is running the winch under the pass seat and out through the front of the truck inside some tubing. seems to work tits

I made a few UHMW hawse fairleads for a few guys on Pirate that were doing this exact same thing. Seemed to work fairly well for them.
yea I have some thinwalled rect. tube I may use, would probably work perfect, as it is 2x6 I think, I'll look into tat tonight...
Rope will definetly be "guarded" so as to prevent any harm should it break.

keep an eye on the weld seam as that may be a place for the rope to snag or get cut
In Cab winch mount

This is my cousin in St. Louis that runs in Rrock. He mounted his winch in the passenger floorboard and ran a tube out under the front grill, ran the winch rope through there and uses an ATV size poly type fairlead.

Couple Years back I was out there forNew Years Day ride at Rockport Illinois...was a muddy issues with winch ....just with crappy MTR's on muddy rocks