Windshield mirror bracket removal -help


Well-Known Member
Dec 7, 2007
IS there a way to remove the bracket without cracking the glass? I'm wanting to get a 5" strip of tint since I don't have visors, and really want to have it put on without that bare bracket there.

Worst case: Does new Wrangler glass come bare and the bracket placed on at installation time?
Bracket is installed on the glass when you buy it. To remove install mirror. Then grab it with your wrist flexed up. Pull down while flexign your wrist down. It sounds silly but it's all in the wrist and is pretty easy after you have done a few.
I've gotten many windhields replaced...the installer always installs the mirror button last, I've never seen it come with the glass. To uninstsall the mirror button, pretend you dropped something, lean across the vehicle and down, be sure to bump the mirror with the back of your head. Never fails, mirror will fall off o_O
I'm going to try a heat gun and acetone......worst case, glass claim.:mad: