wiring in a hot tub...


Well-Known Member
Mar 20, 2005
i was wondering if there are any electricians or anyone else that is knowledgeable on this subject that could shoot me in the right direction on wiring up a hot tub correctly. its got four wires and can find out more info if needed.

Should be pretty simple 2 hot legs 1 neutral (white) & 1 common (green)
Black and Red are your 2 hot phases
White is your neutral
Green is a ground.

There is no common in an AC system (in name)

***While I am a licensed Master Electrician and a Certified Licensed Electrical contractor in both NC and SC my advice should be in no way taken as authority and you should consult the services of a licensed professional.
just hard-wire a hot cable and a ground cable into your house electricity, then put the ground under the hottub and dangle the hot cable into the water. hop in and enjoy the heat
just hard-wire a hot cable and a ground cable into your house electricity, then put the ground under the hottub and dangle the hot cable into the water. hop in and enjoy the heat
thats just wrong:fuck-you:

Don't listen to this guy you will die
Should be pretty simple 2 hot legs 1 neutral (white) & 1 common (green)

def not that simple imho atleast thats not the extent of how I wired mine. I could tell you but then when you fuck it up I'd get my balls sued off. My suggestion is to call up your local small electrical company and have them do it. Should be around 100 bucks in material and no clue how much they will charge for labor but shouldnt be bad. If you do it yourself remember to put a disco close and check your amperage. I just wouldn't f with it if I were you. You could fuck up alot and be out more $ than it would have cost to just have someone qualified do it. Better safe then sorry esp when you already have $ tied up into it and lives depend on it
wiring in a hot tub... ...I don't recommend this unless you are wearing a wetsuit or have drained the water out first....

:beer: Fill it with beer instead and try it.
Cool, thanks for all the input... even the ones that are trying to take me out:fuck-you:, the beer idea might be getting somewhere though:huggy:.

def not that simple imho atleast thats not the extent of how I wired mine. I could tell you but then when you fuck it up I'd get my balls sued off. My suggestion is to call up your local small electrical company and have them do it. Should be around 100 bucks in material and no clue how much they will charge for labor but shouldnt be bad. If you do it yourself remember to put a disco close and check your amperage. I just wouldn't f with it if I were you. You could fuck up alot and be out more $ than it would have cost to just have someone qualified do it. Better safe then sorry esp when you already have $ tied up into it and lives depend on it

Are you implying that i'm too dumb to do this task or that your directions wouldn't be sufficient enough to do it correctly, inturn me sueing you? I assure you, i'm no idiot. After reading around, it seems pretty straight forward, most all being set up pretty similarly. I've got a tank of gas and the cost of a new impeller in it, so $$ situation is all good. This is no different to me than building a rig that has my life and other's depending on it and when i'm not going to halfass that, why would this be different?

Again Thanks for the posts and a few laughs
Please don't take this the wrong way.
Electricity isn't rocket science, but its not black and white either, There is Right and then 1,000,000 different levels of wrong many of which will work unless th proper set of circumstances align. In which case a proper job may save your or others life.

I'm not saying don't do it, or that you can't do it.

But there IS a good reason I can get $125/hr for my labor....
But there IS a good reason I can get $125/hr for my labor....

There's a girl who hangs out up the street that says the same thing.

But she's a hooker. :lol:
There's a girl who hangs out up the street that says the same thing.
But she's a hooker. :lol:

HAHA dang yall are gettin ripped a new one up there!
ours want bout $20 or so but i wouldnt touch it with a 10ft pole and you pushin:lol: