Work in an office or use live meeting? I bet you'll find this funny


Mar 24, 2005
Stanley, NC

And also this one on email:
I despise a damn conference call. Where I work, it's just an excuse for all the people who think they are hot shots to talk about all the shit they will never do and pat themselves on the back for it. It usually takes an hour or so to go over something that could have been said in 5 minutes or sent out in an email. But I usually don't join them unless they specifically tell me to.
I work in a world of powerpoint engineers who have no idea which way to turn a bolt. Every day is pain, and now they outnumber the rest of us, so they have achieved critical mass and cannot be stopped.
I skipped out on a 10 to 4 meeting today, what works on paper doesn’t necessarily work in the field.
I work in a world of powerpoint engineers who have no idea which way to turn a bolt. Every day is pain, and now they outnumber the rest of us, so they have achieved critical mass and cannot be stopped.
Uh, that's nearly the entire work force of America. We have allowed people's social bullshitting skills to outweigh productivity and real applied knowledge. Talkin and theory=Bullshit.
I skipped out on a 10 to 4 meeting today, what works on paper doesn’t necessarily work in the field.

it almost never does. I have begun to use this as my mantra at work. "tell me what you think you want, and I'll make/do it the right way"
I have to do web linked conference calls for training 1-4x a month depending. I basically call in. Throw it on mute. Then log into the video portion. 9/10 I am not even in the office during this because they schedule them when we are busiest with actual customers. So basically I get the kudos for showing up even though I didn't attend and learned nothing.
Its the dumbest thing I've ever had be a requirement.