Worse than i thought......


Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2005
Well after 5 years to many of smoking nasty ol' ciggarettes I am trying to kick the habit. I always told myself when i reached a pack a day it was time to quit........and damn sure enough.....pack a day it has been for a couple of months. Im attempting the cold turkey/lots of hard candy method. Im doing ok so far. Started out Friday night and have only cheated twice until now (once a marlboro light, once some chew-bacca). Its getting better, but after meals and on the way to work in the morning are the times that are killing me. Any tips that have worked for you guys? On a better note ill save about a grand a year(spend it on the rig instead) and I may even live a few years longer...... :D

I don't think there are any secrets. Cold turkey is the way. Carry a cigarette around with ya and put it in your mouth to satisfy the oral fixation, just don't carry a lighter. Good luck Josh.

I had an uncle that quit by buying a new pack and carrying it in his pocket...a lot of the mental struggle (or at least it made sense to me) is the fact that you can't get to a cig when you want one...

carrying around a pack eases that anxiety...but you just have to decide not to open the pack...

a guy that used to work for me did a similar thing...bought a brand new pack and put it in the passenger side door pocket of his truck...that way, it took a little effort to get to them, and he couldn't "subconsiously" just grab one and light it...the "reach" it took allowed him to think and stop...

either way...good luck...

I never started, but my wife smoked before we met, over 8 years ago, and still says she has mornings that nothing would feel better than a book, a cup of hot coffee and a smoke...

after a couple of days, the "physical" addiction can be gone...but the oral fixation and/or "idle hands" problem will be there for days/weeks/months/years...

hopefully...you'll see how nasty it is after a couple weeks...my wife (even with the random urges) can't stand to go to her parents house because they both smoke, and we (plus the dog) always come home stinkin'...

PLEASE don't pick up another one at this point...I've never understood how some people quit for years and then start back...but I've never dealt with the cravings, so I just mumbling now...

The toughest part is going to be being around those who still smoke, for the longest time I would let myself smoke around them, stupid justification to myself.

I haven't had a cig since March, don't really miss them unless someone is near me puffin, then it drives me nuts ( more of an annoyance now though )

Keep your hands busy, doing something, just stay busy, in a few weeks it'll be much better.

My mom tried the hard candy method, got hooked on Wintergreen CERTS and then continued smoking, she has been smoke free for the last 25 years now, same as my dad, quit cold turkey.

The key, WANTING TO QUIT if you seriously want to quit, you will.

another Kevin
I can't answer Josh, I've tried several methods, and have failed at them all. I just keep telling myself it's practice and will try again. Soon.
I quit dipping after 10 years, cold turkey 2 new year eves ago. I can honestly say I think about dipping every couple of days. Alot of times I dream about it too. What helped me quit was I started thinking about my future and how I wanted to be around for my kids (if i ever get married and have any that is) one day. Not saying I would have or will get cancer from Copenhagen, but I decided not to help it anymore. Its really just been one day at a time for me. Just look down inside of you and ask how tough you really are. Can something like that really control your life if you dont want it to? I know you have to be stronger then that. If I can quit then surely anyone else can. If you ever get the urge hit me up on nextel ( my # is in the phone number thread) and I'll tell you tobacco is wacko. It drives all my friends crazy because it's a stupid middle school saying, but who knows sometime it may work. Anyhow, good luck. :Rockon:
Smoker here for 12 years... What I did was to start at my normal amount, and then every second day, cut one cig out. after a little over a month, I smoked my last one. My secret? Gum. lots, and lots of f'n gum. I also avoided the smoking crowd as best I could.

Don't leave the house without something to satisfy a craving.. twizzlers, gum, etc...

Do it Josh.. you won't believe how much better food tastes!!!
To get past the first month or so, you never saw me without a book. I always had my face buried in one when I had idle time. You would never believe how easily you forget about the cravings when you have something to entertain you for hours. And trust me, I have hours of idle time on my hands daily.

Rich said:
Smoker here for 12 years... What I did was to start at my normal amount, and then every second day, cut one cig out. after a little over a month, I smoked my last one. My secret? Gum. lots, and lots of f'n gum. I also avoided the smoking crowd as best I could.

Don't leave the house without something to satisfy a craving.. twizzlers, gum, etc...

Do it Josh.. you won't believe how much better food tastes!!!

Not only does food taste better, you'll find that you can breathe a lot easier too.

I quit smoking about a little over 3.5 years ago. And what really helped me was the fact that I loved to play sports and I wanted to get back in shape (I was also 185 lbs at the time). I started playing indoor soccer and that made me realize that I needed to quit. My competitiveness in sports helped me quit. That and the fact that Angela didn't smoke made it a little bit easier.

Since Angela and I have met, I only cheated twice...once when I was in Vegas (took a puff and gagged) and the second time was at my bachelor party.

Good luck Josh...if you want to quit badly enough, you'll do it. :beer:
bigwaylon said:
I had an uncle that quit by buying a new pack and carrying it in his pocket...a lot of the mental struggle (or at least it made sense to me) is the fact that you can't get to a cig when you want one...

carrying around a pack eases that anxiety...but you just have to decide not to open the pack...

a guy that used to work for me did a similar thing...bought a brand new pack and put it in the passenger side door pocket of his truck...that way, it took a little effort to get to them, and he couldn't "subconsiously" just grab one and light it...the "reach" it took allowed him to think and stop...

either way...good luck...

I never started, but my wife smoked before we met, over 8 years ago, and still says she has mornings that nothing would feel better than a book, a cup of hot coffee and a smoke...

after a couple of days, the "physical" addiction can be gone...but the oral fixation and/or "idle hands" problem will be there for days/weeks/months/years...

hopefully...you'll see how nasty it is after a couple weeks...my wife (even with the random urges) can't stand to go to her parents house because they both smoke, and we (plus the dog) always come home stinkin'...

PLEASE don't pick up another one at this point...I've never understood how some people quit for years and then start back...but I've never dealt with the cravings, so I just mumbling now...


Ive thought about buying a pack and keeping it handy.......but then i know how impulsive i am.....and the way i feel now....that pack would last about 5 minutes :smokin: :smokin: :smokin: :smokin:

Im gonna give it a few more days....and i may try the buy a pack and keep it in the truck thing.

Thanks man!
Rich said:
Smoker here for 12 years... What I did was to start at my normal amount, and then every second day, cut one cig out. after a little over a month, I smoked my last one. My secret? Gum. lots, and lots of f'n gum. I also avoided the smoking crowd as best I could.

Don't leave the house without something to satisfy a craving.. twizzlers, gum, etc...

Do it Josh.. you won't believe how much better food tastes!!!

Rich, come on man....look at me.....u know food has never tasted bad for me :). I think ill actually loose some weight by quitting smoking. Because i got into the trend of having to eat before i smoked.....just to make it good :confused: Why? I dont know...smoking was always just sooooooo much better after i ate something. As for the reasons for doing it? 1-the little lady doesnt smoke......doesnt fuss at me for smoking....but i know it gets on her nerves.....and since she respects me enough to not tell me what i can and cant do.....it really makes me wanna quit. 2- I will be enrolling in some type of Law enforcement training within the next 2-3 years...(whether it be BLET/an in house police academy/or trooper academy), any of them require you to be physically fit.......and smoking for sure doesnt help that. 3-i want to be independent of all substances that control my life.......and nicotine is the only one............(besides chocolate......but hey, lets be real here :flipoff2: )

Thanks for all the help so far.....i did good today.......ill keep ya guys updated

OK man here is what worked for me.

I quit in on a Monday in October, 1993. I had been smoking since 1980. I came home from work on day and decided that I was sick of smoking. My girlfriend (now wife) and I ate supper and went outside to take the usual smoke after supper and she asked me if I was gonna smoke a cigarette. My reply to her was "NOPE, I think I sick of smoking!" I walked around for the next week with a full pack in my pocket. Never lit one. I got a big bag of DumDum lollipops and every time I got a craving I un-wrapped a lollipop. After the first week I threw the pack away and started carrying just one cigarette in my shirt pocket. This went on for another week. Remember that if you pick up one YOU WILL HAVE TO QUIT ALL OVER AGAIN. I hate doing things twice. :mad: If you are cheating then you are not quitting. PERIOD. Its tough when enjoying a :beer: but I got thru it. Keep in mind that I quit while working around four smokers at a parts counter in Virginia. It was legal to smoke in the work place back then. If you want to know what smoking can do to you ask me about how my Dad killed himself smoking cigarettes. YOU CAN DO IT! I did. :D

BTW, Even water tastes better. :D
Oh, by the way, every now and then I get a craving still.. all it takes is for me to grab a cig and take a puff to cure that... they're nasty again.
tooth picks worked good for me and a little help from the #2 patch, then in about 4 years you can smoke a cigar every now and then(a good one)
Rich said:
Smoker here for 12 years... What I did was to start at my normal amount, and then every second day, cut one cig out. after a little over a month, I smoked my last one. My secret? Gum. lots, and lots of f'n gum. I also avoided the smoking crowd as best I could.

Don't leave the house without something to satisfy a craving.. twizzlers, gum, etc...

Do it Josh.. you won't believe how much better food tastes!!!
I did it just about the same way, when my wife bet me I COULDN'T quit. I started a contest with myself, to see how long I could go before I had another one. If I went an hour, next time I'd go an hour and 15 min's. And so on. It took a few months, but I haven't had another smoke the whole time I've been married... 16 years in Feb.
Wow. I am glad I never started! If anyone asks me why I don't I think of all the money I save. All you gotta do is think of the$$. i figure what, a pack is roughly 2.50? So one a day, everyday is approx. 913 a year. Think of what the taco wants that comes to the tune of almost a grand. ;) You know you want to quit.
smoked about 15 years got up to two packs a day had quit serveral times not for long periods though. after getting a chest infection coupled with bronchitis i went a week without being able to smoke tried to smoke one after that week and it tasted bad. never picked up another since, been almost 5 years now. the will to quit is the only thing that it takes to stop. if you dont have that allthe patches/pills/candy/chew will not keep you from quitting.

take it for what its worth

p.s. rich is right food taste much better (and i had no problem enjoying food before either)

Yep, made it through the weekend. Been coughing up a crapload of nasty stuff in the morning......I guess its just 5 years of built up tar coming out :eek:

I think i will be ok, just gotta stick to my guns!

Josh Walsh
Yeah, that'll be your lungs tossing out the crap that's in there... and thanking you for not putting in more all day. :D