wrangler doors on a XJ


New Member
Dec 24, 2006
well ive been wonting to get sum wrangler door hinges for my xj and i was just wondering if it was possible and what would i have to do about the power window/door wires like could i put sum kind of like plug in there or what so if you know anything give me some ideas
go take a look at the new 4-door wranglers. they have like a contact pad, i dont see why you cant buy some of them from the stealership and adapt..
Half doors, maybe, but full doors seem like a ridiculous amount of work for no benefit.
The hinges, sure. May have to extend the wires some to account for the different/longer arc they will travel, and I bet you will have trouble getting the door to close and latch properly, but nothing a few hours of adjusting and BFH'ing won't handle.
i know now that this is not what he is wanting, but interesting nonetheless


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why are you wanting wrangler hinges? you can make the factory doors removable using the existin hinges.... unless ur wantin to do like hte pic above and put wrangler doors on it
Yeah just cut part of the door hinge on the XJ> thats what I did. I have power everything. I took and cut the wires and crimped on male and female ends so that I can connect and disconnect them. Problem is there are like 24 wires in my door and it's a PIA to do. If it had manual windows and locks it would be a sweet mod.
I did mine too, but didn't cut the wires, just unplug them from the harness just inside the body. if you pull the plastic cover down by your feet there is 4 plugs on the driver side and 3 on the pass side you unplug and pull the wires out thru the hole. i recomend taking out the black boot thing that seals the door to the frame. it just makes things alot easier when dealing with the wires. If your xj is pre 97 the pin removal is a little easier and you use a 5/16'th tractor pin to hold the door in. just pull the pins up and unplug and off you go. the 97 and up uses a slightly bigger pin but still works the same.
I went to the local electronics shop and got some some 18 position modular connectors. Got to have a special tool to crimp the end on the wires and then your plug them into the plastic connector. No I just pop that apart and and lift off the big door and drop on the tube. Takes less than a minute.
yeah ill check under the thing at my feet for the plug in thing and if i take it off from inside the door then the little pin thing wont be reusable so what could i put in for it and also what could i do about the annoying buzzer that comes on when the doors open
there should be a little button in the door jam that does the buzzer and the interior light as well.... just unplug it, or atleast thats what we did on all my friends wranglers
you could just pull the fuse for the door buzzer.

Thats what most Wrangler guys do when they run with no doors.