Wrangler YJ Trans/Tcase Grinding noise?

Speed Freak

Jun 28, 2005
High Point
My buddy has an 89 YJ with a 258/AX-15/NP231. When you drive under power everything is fine. When you let off there is a grinding noise coming form the transmission or the t case. It's like a gear not meshing noise, not like a missing 2nd gear noise. If you push in the clutch the noise goes away. He installed a new clutch thinking the release bearing was the problem but it didn't help. We removed the rear drive shaft, drove it in front wheel rive and it's still there. We pulled the rear of the tcase and the front drive chain seemed to be loose but I dont know how to check if it's in tolerance. Would a loose chain even cause this noise in 2wd? What else should we check b4 pulling the trans?
Thanks for you help,
The chain shouldn't make the noise in 2wd. The chains are suppose to be loose, i'm not sure about a spec for it i'll have to check tomorrow

It sounds like a transmission problem. Does the noise only happen in a certain gear? Or all gears when under load? Depending on how long its been making the noise you might be able to see if there is any metal in the trans fluid
All gears and it only make the noise in a revers load. Like when you let off the gas. I'll have to check the fluid.
I had the same problem execpt the clutch pressed in or out made no difference. Mine was a stretched chain. Under power - no noise but the minute you let off the gas you get the grinding noise. I would check the chain in the t-case.
mine would do it in 4wd until eventually the chain was so messed up that I couldn't put in 4wd.
mine was making that noise once ad it ended up being that the pinion nut had come lose. so you might want to check that will your under there