WTB for a army guy


Well-Known Member
Nov 10, 2016
I have a friend of mine who is way down on life right now. He came back from deployment to find out his wife had been cheating on him, that she was pregnant with this other guys baby. To make matters worse she drained his accounts and took out several credit cards in his name. His JK has bald tires, I mean metal belts showing bald. I was hoping someone on here as stock or tiny bit bigger tires on here that they would let go to a soldier in need for next to nothing. I am willing to drive wherever to pick these up to help this guy out. Please let me know if anyone has anything.
What size wheels does his jk have , and roughly what size tires are you looking for.
Right now he has 255/75r17. While we were discussing his situation, Another soldier gave him a two inch budget lift, But right now I just want to get this soldier rolling safely.
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I moved this thread from wanted to buy. Someone very close to me was in a similar situation.
There are far too many Vets loosing the battle, after they come home. Let's get this guy some new shoes.
I'll throw in $100 towards a good used or new set of tires. Anyone care to join me?
I’ll match that $100. Fellow vet myself and can’t leave a brother behind. PM me the info. I got PayPal and I know how to use it.
I have some WJ rims and the tires that came off it available. They are street tires. Let me know if they are needed.
I will let you guys know, he is going to dinner with me tonight. He started crying when I just told him on the phone I got him tires.
I’m right down the road from you. If you need anything getting this guy taken care of let me know. Be glad to help. I’ve been in his shoes. Came back from a six month deployment right after 9/11 to a drained account, lapsed insurance, and every bill months behind. I know where he’s at. He’ll pull through and be in a better place than before on the backside. Tell him to keep his head up and don’t do anything stupid.
You guys are the absolute best!!! <insert uber cute mushy smilies & hearts here>
What she said!
I'm not easily impressed, but the replies to help this Vet out are Badass.
From my heart,
I appreciate you all. My friends shop is doing a full tune up on this Jeep free of charge. We will have him wheels tomorrow. And True Patriot Inc is throwing in some odds and ends for him. I appreciate you all who offered money. I have really tried to avoid taking anyone’s money. As he receives these gifts I will add pictures, however I will leave this Soldiers name and pictures out and only post his Jeep for obvious reasons. As I have said this community blows me away with the generosity.